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Songs of the Pagan Tribe with Rev. Cern Greenman 2023

A new show with Rev. Cern Greenman! Songs of the Pagan Tribe is a music podcast featuring Pagan music that moves Pagans. 

2nd and 4th Fridays at 8:00 pm Eastern

PLEASE NOTE:  Our podcast host Blog Talk Radio informed us mid November 2024 that they are discontinuing operations at the end of January 2025.  We are in the process of transferring our shows to Spreaker and there may be some delays in broadcast and other disruptions.  Links to older shows may be temporarily broken. Please be patient as we go through this transition.  We wish to thank Blog Talk Radio for all their support and hosting 1000+ of our podcasts.

April 28th, 2023:  Pagan Music
On this initial episode, discovering the wide variety of Pagan music, featuring music by Arthur Hinds and the Round Table, Beltana Spellsinger with Sona, Celia Farran, and more. 

May 12th, 2023:  Dancing Around the Fire
There are few things that are as spiritually liberating as dancing around the fire. With music by SJ Tucker, Kellianna, Spiral Rhythm and more. 

May 26th, 2023:  Stars in the Night
The stars above us have been inspiring us and guiding us since the dawn of time. Featuring music by Emerald Rose, Chalice and Blade, Mama Gina, and more. 

June 9th, 2023:  Sacred Pleasure
Love and pleasure, when combined as one, is what gives us life, security, satisfaction and peace. With music by Damn the Bard, Mariah Dawn Shepherd, Alexander James Adams, and more. 

June 23rd, 2023:  The Sun Reigns
Whether Summer Sosltice the northlands, or Winter Solstice in the southlands, the Sun gives energy high and low, and rules over all dwelling on the Earth. Musical artists include Beverly Frederick, SJ Tucker, Libana, and more. 

July 14th, 2023:  Women's Rights
In the wake of Roe v Wade being overturned, American women have renewed their fight for reproductive freedom. New songs from the Red Album for women's reproductive rights, featuring Crow Women, Mama Gina, SJ Tucker, and more. 

July 28th, 2023:  Long Arm Lugh
Songs celebrating the Celtic God Lugh and Celtic summer life. Featuring music by Flora Ware, Bell Book and Canto, Inkubus Sukkubus, and more. 

Aug 11th, 2023:   Drumming Nature's Heartbeat
Tunes from Pagan artists raising energy with djembe, doumbek, bodhrán, and other hand drums. Featuring music by Ginger Doss, Abbi Spinner Mcbride, Primal Rhythm, etc. 

Aug 25th, 2023:   Trinity of the Goddess
Chants and songs that call upon the triple Goddess which invoke the Divine Feminine of multiple faces. Featuring music by Kellianna, Sparky T Rabbit, Michelle Mays, etc. 

Sep 8th, 2023:   Proud Pagan
Standing up for the right to be Pagan and free during Pagan Pride month. Featuring music by Gwydion Pendderwen, Krista Chapman Green, Charlie Murphy, etc.

Sep 22, 2023:   The Journey of Mabon
Celebrating the God of the hunt and season of the harvest. Featuring music by Murphy's Midnight Rounders, Lisa Thiel, Belthain, etc. 

Oct 13, 2023:   Dark Goddess
Honoring the Crone and communing with the shadow side of the Goddess. Featuring Wendy Rule, An Danzza, Alexian, and others.

Oct 27, 2023:   Thin Veil
The power of love transcends the transition of life and death. Featuring songs by SJ Tucker, Jaiya, Meren King, and others. 

Nov 10, 2023:   Elementary
Songs and chants about the four Elements to raise energy and awareness. Music from Spiral Rhythm, Libana, Crow Women, and more. 

Nov 24, 2023:   The Inner Light
Exploring meditation as a means to lighting the candle within us. Including music from Celia Farran, Sophia, Brian Henke, and more.

Dec 8, 2023:   We are Magick
Finding magick within us and all around us. Featuring music by Lou Garou, Gypsy, SJ Tucker, and more.

Dec 22, 2023:   Solstice Tidings
Songs to make your solstice season merry. Featuring music from Emerald Rose, Mothertongue, Harold Sanford Carter III, and more.

January 12th, 2024:   Pagan Children’s Songs
Listen to songs written especially for Pagan children to learn and grow spiritually.
Featuring music by Ginger Ackley, Anne Hill, Elaine Silver, and more.

January 26th, 2024:   Brigid
Honoring the Goddess of the Flame. Featuring songs by Celia Farran, Jenna Greene, Krista Chapman Green, and more.

February 9th, 2024:   Love Energy
The excitement of love energy and the path towards fulfilling the great rite.
Featuring music by S.J. Tucker, Michelle Mays, Celia Farran and more.

February 23rd, 2024: Mbira - Songs of African Pagans
An overview and introduction to the music of the Shona people of West Africa, especially the Mbira instrument.
Guest host: Steven Curtin. 

March 8th, 2024:   A Spiritual Sisterhood
Celebrating songs about the magical connection that arises when women unite. In honor of International Women’s Day (03/08/2024). Featuring songs by Crow Women, Mama Gina, Beltana Spellsinger, and more.

March 22nd, 2024:   The Goddess as Maiden
Exploring the essence and excitement of the young Goddess as she comes into her power. Featuring songs by Kellianna, Faun, Cloud the Rapper, and more.

April 12th, 2024:   Mother Earth
Pagan music about Mother Earth and the importance of eco-spirituality inspiring us to take care of the Mother of us all. Featuring Todd Alan, Gaia Consort, Spiral Dance, and others.

April 26th, 2024:   Fur, Feather and Fin
Pagan music about our friends, the animals, with whom we share the world. Featuring music by SJ Tucker, Lou Garou, Spiral Rhythm, and others. 

May 10th, 2024:   Pagan Potpourri
An interesting mix of songs from the many diverse genres of Pagan music, in celebration of the 1 year anniversary of the podcast. Musical artists include: Belthain, Lynda Millard, Louis Garou, and more.

May 24th, 2024:   The Labyrinth
Walking the labyrinth leads us to the center of the path. It also leads us to the center of our souls, and into the cosmic nexus of the universe, and often into the center of the storm where there is calm. Songs about the labyrinth by SJ Tucker, Laura Perry, Celia Farran, and more.

Jun 14th, 2024:   Midsummer Dreams
As the Summer Solstice approaches, best take heed of the Fairies, especially when Midsummer’s Night is nigh. Respect the crossroads and the Wee People! Featuring music by SJ Tucker, Elaine Silver, Beltana Spellsinger, and more.

Jun 28th, 2024:   Warrior, Lover, Sage
Songs about Gods and the Divine Masculine. The Hero that has many names and faces. Music featuring Alexander James Adams, Sparky T Rabbit, Mama Gina, more.

July 12th, 2024:   Musical Mirth
The gift of humor is as important as the gift of music. Humor helps us cope with hard times, relaxes tension, and assists us in not taking ourselves too seriously. This episode features songs by Pagan musicians that make us smile and laugh. Enjoy! Songs by Alexian, Loke E Coyote, Emerald Rose, and more.

July 26th, 2024:   Healing Circle
Step into the healing circle as we listen to Pagan music that inspires wholistic healing of the mind, body and spirit. Featuring songs by Crow Women, Cloud the Rapper, Celia Farran, and more. 

Aug 9th, 2024:   Green Spirit
At the height of summer, the spirit of the Green peaks. We celebrate Nature’s green blanket of grass over the land and canopies of green leaves above us. We’ll be hearing songs inspired the power of Green Spirit by a number of musical artists including Jenna Greene, Brian Henke and Mariah Dawn Shepherd. 

Aug 23rd, 2024:   Spark of the Flame
One of the four potent Elements, Fire warms our cold skin, burns away chaff and purifies metal. A roaring bonfire may start with just a spark of the flame. We’ll be hearing songs inspired by Fire, by musical artists including SJ Tucker, Arthur Hinds and The Round Table, Kiva, and others.

Sep 13, 2024:   Worldwide Pagan Pride
Rise up, Pagans! Pagan Pride began in 1998, and soon spread worldwide, fostering community and pride in Pagan beliefs around the planet. Begin celebrating by listening to music about the spirit of Pagan pride, featuring music by Spiral Rhythm, Abi Spinner McBride and Celia Farran, and more. 

Sep 27, 2024:   Celtic Calling
Among Pagan minstrels, there are those who love to play songs of the people of Celtic origins. In this episode we are going to immerse ourselves in the Celtic music spirit and take in the stories and songs of the Celtic nations as presented by modern Pagan musicians, such as Celia Farran, Blackwillow Starling, Gwydion Pendderwen, and more. 

Oct 11, 2024:   Part One - 50 Years of Circle Music
This year, 2024, Circle Sanctuary celebrates its 50th anniversary since its founding.  This episode features music from performers at Circle events through the past five decades, including Green Crown, Owain Phyfe, Charlie Murphy, Selena Fox and Jim Alan, and more!

Oct 24, 2024:   Part Two - 50 Years of Circle Music
This year, 2024, Circle Sanctuary celebrates its 50th anniversary since its founding.  This episode features music from performers at Circle events through the past five decades, including Damh the Bard, Meren King, Todd Alan, Velvet Hammer, and more!

Nov 8, 2024:   Return of the Goddesses
Pagan musicians, with empowering songs, bring back the memory of ancient Goddesses, many who had been neglected or almost forgotten. Featuring music by SJ Tucker, Laura Powers, Alexian, and more.

Nov 22, 2024:   The Power of Air
From calming breezes to rumbling storms, the power of the element of Air is all around us. And as we breathe, we take its power within us. This episode brings examples of Pagan songs which celebrate and honor Air’s potent power. Featuring music by Wendy Rule, Brian Henke, Spiral Rhythm, and more.

Dec 13, 2024:   It’s Krampus Time!
Enjoy Pagan musicians singing Pagan songs about observing the Yuletide and paying homage to the mischievous Krampus. Featuring S.J. Tucker, KIVA, Owain Phyfe, Damh the Bard, and more.

Dec 27, 2024:   The Circle Begins Again
As we reach the close of the end of one year and begin another, we recognize that we are retracing the circle of a new year, and yet each time we do, we bring to the circle renewed strength, wisdom and hope. Music by Mama Gina, Reclaiming, Celia Faran, and more.

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