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Circle Podcasts

CSNP 2021 square

Podcasts from Circle Sanctuary, connecting all who follow nature-centered paths around the world.  

PLEASE NOTE:  Our podcast host Blog Talk Radio informed us mid November 2024 that they are discontinuing operations at the end of January 2025.  We are in the process of transferring our shows to Spreaker and there may be some delays in broadcast and other disruptions.  Links to older shows may be temporarily broken. Please be patient as we go through this transition.  We wish to thank Blog Talk Radio for all their support and hosting 1000+ of our podcasts.

You will notice some new music in the background of the start and end of the  Circle Podcasts for 2025.  This has been graciously provided by Maevyn Stone, excerpted from the track "The Raven" from her latest album The Forest Whispers, available Here.  Maevyn has been a part of the Circle musical community for many years and has appeared at a number of in person and virtual Circle events.

The voiceovers for both the older and new announcements at the start and end of each podcast were provided by our own Reverend Dia Lydia N. M. Crabtree, her web site is Here.  She along with Reverend Judith is also responsible for putting together our monthly Full Moon Circles.

Connect to, listen live or download past podcasts on the Circle Podcasts network on Spreaker.

Please also note Spreaker is currently printing the availability date and time incorrectly,
it is displayed as the day after.  Episodes are becoming available at the times and dates indicated below.
We are told a fix is forthcoming as soon as possible.

CSNP Archive Links

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Listen through the following other streaming services:
*  Apple Podcasts
*  Spotify
*  iVoox

Hosted by Circle Sanctuary Ministers Selena Fox, Debra Rose, Laura Gonzalez, Rev. Cern Greenman and Rev. Char Bear with engineering and technical support by Laura Gonzalez, Steve Curtin and Pamela Kelly.

Programming Through the Week:
2nd Mondays:  Lunatic Mondays with Rev. Laura Gonzalez
1st & 3rd Tuesdays:  Circle Talk with Rev. Debra Rose
3rd Wednesdays:  Circle of Nature with Rev. Selena Fox
2nd and 4th Fridays:  Songs of the Pagan Tribe with Rev. Cern Greenman
On Hiatus:   Blue Marble with Rev. Char Bear
1st & 3rd Saturdays:  Paganos del Mundo with Rev. Laura Gonzalez
(click on title to jump to broadcasts)

Listen Live:
Monday thru Friday at 8 pm Eastern / 7 pm Central / 6 pm Mountain / 5 pm Pacific
Saturday and Sunday at 7 pm Eastern / 6 pm Central / 5 pm Mountain / 4 pm Pacific

Ways to Listen

  • Listen Live and Later as archived podcasts by clicking on show title weblinks.

Lunatic Mondays with Laura Gonzalez

Why should Fridays have all the fun?  Go crazy on Mondays with Laura Gonzalez on "Lunatic Mondays" ... Anything can happen!!!

2nd Mondays at 8:00 pm Eastern

January 13th, 2025:   Tarot Divas
On this episode, Tarot Divas Chanda Parkinson, Sarah Beck, Sasha Graham and Laura González will be chatting all things Tarot for 2025!

February 10th, 2025:   Byron Ballard
On this episode, author Byron Ballard will be chatting with Laura González about her book “Feral Church”.

March 10th, 2025:   Anthony Rella
On this episode, author Anthony Rella will be chatting with Laura González about his book “Slow Magic”

Archives 2023-2024 Previous Years

Circle Talk with Debra Rose

1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Eastern

January 7th, 2025:   Ailynn Halvorson
Would you like to create meaningful change and live the life you've always wanted? Join us on this encore Circle Talk as we talk with author Ailynn Halvorson and learn her unique tarot apothecary approach. We will be talking about combining wisdom of Tarot, aromatherapy, meditation, numerology and everyday ritual to honor your own magic, take control of your life, and achieve the transformation you've been seeking. This is an encore presentation that was first broadcast on January 3rd, 2023.

January 21st, 2025:   Pagan Spirit Gathering 2025
Pagan Spirit Gathering or PSG is one of America's oldest and largest Nature Spirituality festivals. Since 1980, PSG has been bringing together Pagans of many paths and places to create community, commune with Nature in a sacred environment and celebrate Summer Solstice. It is a new year and Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG) will be held at a new camp location. The 45th Pagan Spirit Gathering (PSG) will be held at River Forest Campground located in White Lake, Wisconsin on June 15-22, 2025.
Join us on Circle Talk as we talk about what you can expect when you attend this year's Pagan Spirit Gathering with PSG's event administrator- Rev. Messina.

February 4th, 2025:   Rev. Dave Sassman
Join us on Circle Talk as we talk with Rev. Dave Sassman about the Warrior Spirit Center and Warrior Blessing Ritual at PSG 2025.

February 18th, 2025:   Deborah Blake
Would you like to invite a little more Magick into each day. Then join us on Circle Talk as we talk to author Deborah Blake about her newest book, A year and a Day of Everyday Magic. This unique book features 366 activities that you can follow chronologically through the year or dip into as time allows. These magickal activities include spells, rituals, meditations, crafts, recipes, and journal prompts you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

March 4th, 2025:   Music of Arthur Hinds
Join us on Circle Talk as we chat and listen to the music of Arthur Hinds, who is a featured musician at this year’s PSG.  Arthur blends stories from Celtic myth and legend with songs drawn not only from Celtic and American folk traditions but from his own inspiration.   Arthur takes his listeners along on a spell-binding journey to other times and places and also into the universal human spirit.

March 18th, 2025:   Patti Wigington
Wherever you live, wouldn’t you like to see your residence as a magical space, from the windows and doors to the basement and bathrooms. Join us on Circle talk as author, Patti Wigington helps us explore the hidden potential in each room. She will be introducing her newest book, The Witch’s Home: Practical Magic for Every Room which features more than eighty rituals, spells, and daily practices to help you build a haven filled with love, joy, security, and enchantment.

Archives 2023-2024 Previous Years

Circle of Nature with Selena Fox

Monthly explorations in Nature Spirituality and practices to connect with Nature through study, ritual, discussion, and more!

3rd Wednesdays at 8:00pm Eastern

January 15th, 2025:   Brigid Imbolc Traditions
Connect with the Celtic Goddess Brigid at Her sacred time of Imbolc, the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox.  Learn ways of celebrating Imbolc with Brigid Crosses, Brigid Mantles, Bride beds, Brigid Stories, Bridge Wells, and Brigid Fire. This is an encore of a Nature Spirituality podcast that appeared on January 26, 2022.

February 19th, 2025:   Spiritual Cleansing
Sacred work with herbs, stones, imagery, sounds, meditations, and rituals for dispelling illness, stress, and negativity, and to aid healing, renewal, and wellness.
This is an encore of a Nature Spirituality podcast that appeared on February 23, 2022.

March 19th, 2025:   Springtime Renewal 
Guided Springtime meditative ritual journey of personal rebirth and renewal.
This is an encore of a Nature Spirituality podcast that appeared on March 23, 2022.

Archives 2022-2024

Songs of the Pagan Tribe with Rev. Cern Greenman

Songs of the Pagan Tribe with Rev. Cern Greenman is a music podcast featuring Pagan music that moves Pagans. 

2nd and 4th Fridays at 8:00 pm Eastern

January 10th, 2025:   Me and the Moon
Beginning the year by basking in the moon’s light, drawing down its energy, while listening to songs by Pagan musicians about the moon’s power to enlighten our paths. Including songs by Celia Farran, Pasha and the Pagans, Wendy Rule, and others.

January 24th, 2025:   Imbolc: In the Mother’s Belly
The seeds of spring are starting to stir in the belly of Mother Earth, and so are our dreams deep within our consciousness. As we begin to awaken, we will be listening in this episode to songs by SJ Tucker, Flora Ware, Belthain, and others.

February 14th, 2025:   My Pagan Valentine
In celebration of Love being the underlying force of the Universe, we will be listening to songs about looking for love in all the Pagan places, all kinds of love with its ups and downs, including music by Beltana Spellsinger, Dar Williams, Mariah Dawn Shepherd, and others. 

February 28th, 2025:   Magical England
Land of Stonehenge, Druids, and Merlyn, England has a long spiritual tradition and history of lively folk music. This episode includes songs by pagan musicians Damh the Bard, Ian Corrigan, Laura Powers, Blackwillow Starling, and more.

March 14th, 2025:   Spring Forth with Magick
The Equinox-- the time of equal day and night-- provides us with the balance we need and can use to spring forward and release our magick into the world. Featuring music by Jenna Greene, Loreena McKenniett, Kellianna, and more.

March 28th, 2025:   A Fool’s Walk to Wisdom
On the cusp of April Fool’s Day, we explore the Pagan music that guides the unlearned toward wisdom in the ways of the Craft and Nature. Featuring music by Celia Farran, Reclaiming, Spiral Rhythm, and more.

Archives 2023 2024

Paganos del Mundo with Laura Gonzalez

1st and 3rd Saturdays at 7:00 pm Eastern

A partir de 2025, Paganos del Mundo se emitirá solo el primer y tercer sábado de cada mes—¡mantente atento a las actualizaciones en!

4 de Enero, 2025:   Mónica Gobbin ~ La Espiritualidad y la aparición de nuevos factores astronómicos
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
La Espiritualidad y la aparición de nuevos factores astronómicos. El siglo XXI ha estado marcado por el “gran cambio” en todos los ámbitos. El sistema solar conocido refleja la complejidad de nuestra vida cotidiana. Cómo partes de un “lejano Inframundo”, los nuevos factores irrumpen en nuestra conciencia. ¿Qué cambios estamos atravesando en nuestra vida espiritual?

18 de Enero, 2025:   Christian Ortiz ~ El fenomeno ECM
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El fenomeno ECM: Experiencias cercanas a la muerte  y su impacto emocional y espiritual.

1 de Fevereiro, 2025:   Petrucia Finkler ~ Rildson Valmonti
Pagãos do mundo com Petrucia Finkler do Brasil, que partilha entrevistas sobre tópicos de interesse como mitologia, magia, devoção e história.
O novo ano trará entrevistas com autores brasileiros relacionados à magia e paganismo. Abrimos a temporada num bate-papo com Rildson Valmonti, pesquisador e autor de O Códice Negro das Bruxas. Vamos conversar sobre a história e prática pessoal do Rildson e falar, claro, sobre seu recente lançamento cuja proposta é ser um manual de bruxaria tradicional e feitiçaria para praticantes solitários.

15 de Febrero, 2025:   Laura González ~ Gordofobia
Gordofobia. En este episodio exploramos la gran paradoja de nuestra sociedad. La Divinidad del Ser y el cuerpo humano, contrastando con la crueldad de la crítica, la implacable cultura de dieta y la gordofobia.
Transmitido originalmente el 8 de Enero del 2022.

1 de Marzo, 2025:   Mónica Gobbin ~ De Calendas y calendarios
Paganos del mundo con Mónica Gobbin nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
El Equinoccio de Primavera ha sido el comienzo del Año para muchas culturas. Pero la Humanidad ha creado distintas formas de medir el Tiempo. La Rueda del Año y la relación Sol-Tierra. Su relación con el Zodiaco Trópico. Cómo se origina el calendario gregoriano que usamos en Occidente.. o cómo nos separamos de los ciclos naturales.

15 de Marzo, 2025:   Christian Ortiz ~ Egrégores
Paganos del mundo con Christian Ortiz desde México nos comparte temas de interés como mitología, magia, devoción e historia.
Egrégores, espíritus obsesores y entidades parásitas.

Archives 2023-2024 Previous Years

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Circle Sanctuary
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507

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