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by Selena Fox


May we stop soil contamination & deforestation. 
May we bring forth cleaner soil & reforestation.

Power of the Sacred Earth, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

May we stop air poisoning & ozone layer depletion.
May we bring forth cleaner air & atmosphere restoration.

Power of the Sacred Air, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

May we stop energy wastefulness & pollution.
May we bring forth cleaner energy & energy conservation.

Power of the Sacred Fire, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

May we stop water pollution & ocean destruction.
May we bring forth cleaner water & ocean preservation.

Power of the Sacred Water, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

May we put an end to social & spiritual toxicity.
May we bring forth peace & spiritual harmony.

Power of Sacred Spirit, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

May we live in harmony with other humans.
May we live in harmony with all of Nature on this Planet & Beyond.

May we work together to end Planetary sickness.
May we work together to bring forth Planetary Wellness.

Power of Mother Nature, guide us in this work
to bring healing to Planet Earth.

So Be It.

This Earth Day Prayer for 2011 by Selena Fox, environmental activist & senior minister of Circle Sanctuary, is the latest version of the prayer she created and led at the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day in 1990 at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin, USA.

This prayer can be spoken or intoned by a single person, or for groups, it can be spoken or chanted in unison or in call and response litany form. It can be used as part of Earth Day ceremonies and celebrations and at other times.

More about Selena Fox:, Facebook: SelenaFoxUpdates and on Twitter @Selena_Fox
More about Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve:

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