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In Memoriam: Bruce Parsons (1947-2010)

Bruce ParsonsLong time Circle Sanctuary Community member, Bruce Kirk Parsons of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, died Tuesday, June 15, 2010. Bruce, born May 10, 1947, in Texas, was active during Circle Sanctuary's early years and played a part in the land project that became Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve. He was a Pagan United States Navy Veteran. A memorial service, facilitated by Susan Sigl and others, was held in July 5, 2010, in his home town of Milwaukee, Wisconsin to commemorate his life, his service, and his creativity. His cremains were interred at Circle Cemetery.

His VA-issued Pentacle grave marker was dedicated October 31, 2010 by Selena Fox and others during the 2010 Samhain Festival.

Memorial Tributes

Name Rev. Selena Fox
Location Wisconsin
Date 2010-10-26 13:20:48
Thank you, Bruce, for your friendship, wisdom, and humor. Thank you for your contributions to Circle Sanctuary over the years, and thank you for your service to the USA. I, like many others, mourn your passing, but take comfort in knowing that you live on in the many lives and many endeavors you enriched. Blessed Be!
Name Burtan Lafleur
Location MCAS New River NC
Date 2010-10-29 13:56:25
Never had the chance to know you, but we have alot in common. You were a sailor, I'm a Marine, and we're both Pagans. Blessed Be and may the Goddess hole you close. Be at peace, Brother.
Name Susan Sigl
Location Milwaukee
Date 2010-10-29 14:32:17
BRUCE K. PARSONS A CELEBRATION OF LIFE BORN MAY 10, 1947 TRANSITIONED TO THE SHADOWLANDS ON JUNE 15, 2010 Welcome friends and family of Bruce Parsons. We are gathering today to share in a celebration of his life and the gift of his time with us. We offer a grateful prayer as we join in our continuing, interwoven, circle of life, energy, hope, prayer and wonder, especially now, as we acknowledge and bless him on his way and share our memories of him. Bruce was born on May 10, 1947, in Minneapolis. Minnesota and transitioned into the" shadowlands" as of June 15, 2010. Bruce held many different roles in his life. He was a son and a brother, both by birth and by choice. He had lost his father George several years ago, but he is survived by his mother Liz, his stepfather Clay, his brother Craig, 4 nieces, Shauna, Kimberly, Rebecca, Jennifer, several cousins a couple of aunts and several friends. Bruce was a very dear friend to me and had become much like a close brother of choice, for many years. He was a lover to some and at least once in his life, he was also a husband as well. Although he was never biologically a father, he was a father figure or at least a really cool uncle-teacher-type-guy to several children in his life. Ultimately, I think he valued the children in his life most of all. He was always passionately committed to the causes he believed in and he was also passionately committed to the spirit of the earth, the wonder of nature, the Craft (his faith of choice), to one divinity manifested as both God and Goddess, in all their various manifestations, including their extension through all human beings. He was the commiserate scholar, historian, teacher, artist and friend, especially when times were tough, and it may have been easier to walk away. He was a romantic and a dreamer as well as a teacher and a scholar. He was also a good cook, when he wanted to be. He loved Irish beer, great cookies, cashews and good stake, not necessarily in that order. He had a marvelous, magical, yet somewhat mangled and always twisted wit! Even though he was often quite stubborn when he felt he was right and could be quite grumpy on even occasionally annoying with his persistence, he had a passion for both learning and teaching and his heart was always in the right place. He had many stories to tell, mostly long ones, which were unendingly verbose, but usually quite interesting and often true. So we still listened and simply came to call them "The Bruce Tapes". He wanted to make a difference, and I think he did more than he may have realized in his life time. He was definitely somewhat radical (being rather left of the left) in his political leanings, but he was always kind and showed respect even for those he would lock horns with intellectually, politically or philosophically as well. He never got to write the great cross-cultural comparative religious encyclopedia (which he was had always thought would have taken at least 10 volumes to do right) or even the quirky mystery novel with his character "Justin Case", but he did make many people stop and learn to think beyond the borders of their given assumptions, and that alone may have been his greatest gift. In more recent years, when he could no longer live alone, I had him living with me pretty much of the time, for 4 years until the disease he had developed (early onset Alzheimer's), progressed to the point of having to put him in a nursing home. He continued to live there for an additional 2 and a half years before his death this month. Even though I knew it was coming for some time, after 30 + years of close friendship with him, I still was not really ready for it, as I suppose we never are when loved ones are lost. None the less, I know, we will all do ok and will do even better as time goes on too. Even though I will miss his company his wit and his wisdom too. I also know that his spirit is free now, to climb as many trees as he likes again, wherever he chooses to find them. --Susan T. Sigl- (Close friend for over 30 yrs)
Name kelley giffen
Location Milwaukee
Date 2010-10-29 19:55:21
I moved out of state in 2001, and I missed you... as we were going to classes of yours. I was told when I came back that you had passed... had I known, I would have come to say good-bye, because you didn't pass until June 15th, a full month and a half after I returned to Milwaukee. I still have the binder you gave me, and I am truly sorry we didn't go further with our classes. Peace to you, my friend and teacher. Winterhart
Name Susan Sigl
Location Milwaukee
Date 2010-10-30 19:50:56
I have many memories of Bruce over the years. Some at festivals and I remember my first contact with him was at Pan Pagan 1980. He would never hesitate to offer a hand to help, a joke to share, or a thought to ponder. We also worked together for a time in coordinating a Wiccan study group for some time, some of which we did together and some separately. Over the years our paths were woven sometimes more closely and sometimes more distantly but always meaningfully. Although I unfortunately no longer have my own copy of the study guide we put together it is good to know a few of them are still out there. I even have a video tape of one of these early study groups sessions that took place at my house as well, before he started to have the cognitive problems that latter emerged. I also remember a summer when we worked the renfaire together and explored a variety of wonderful restaurant experiences which exausted both of our credit cards at the time but left us with satisfied tummies and thoughts of writing what we called the Bruce and Sue restaurant review, yet another unpublished work, but it was fun while it took place. Bruce was dedicated to his work and beliefs, honoring the earth, and the spirit of all of us ,each and every individual he worked with or played with. Weather sharing a meal,a beer,a thought, an interesting argument, a hope, a ritual a hug or a prayer. He did what he did honorably and honestly and above all, he really did make a difference. I also think he would have liked having been a part of claiming the pagan vet right to the pentacle marker as well.

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