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In Memoriam: Carol Olson Gainer (1942-2017)

Carol GainerCarol Lee Wiggins Olson Gainer, also known as Lady Cybele, was born in 1942 in Winona, Minnesota and died on November 27, 2017 in Holmen, Wisconsin.  A Pagan elder and practitioner of Family Tradition Craft, Lady Cybele was part of the Circle Sanctuary Community since it began in 1974, and over the years contributed in a variety of ways including writing articles for Circle publications, teaching workshops and performing music at festivals, facilitating weatherworking rites at the Pagan Spirit Gathering, and assisting with some of the Pagan civil rights and religious freedom endeavors of the Lady Liberty League.  We mourn her passing but take comfort in knowing that she lives on in the many lives she enriched.  A memorial ceremony is being planned for Circle Cemetery.


On Monday, November 27, 2017, Carol Lee Wiggins Olson Gainer went joyfully to the Summerland accompanied by her beloved horse Copper King (1954-1988) in spirit.

She was born in 1942 in Winona, Minnesota to Leland Edward Wiggins and his wife, Mabel Cecilia (Johnson) Wiggins. She graduated from Winona Senior High School and attended Luther College and University of Wisconsin- Madison. She graduated cum laude from LaCrosse State College (now University) and attended the University of Wisconsin Law School in Madison. 

She was active in her union and in 1985 was-selected as the AFL-CIO Wisconsin Woman-of-the Year. She was appointed by Gov. Tony Earl to the Comparable Worth Task Force and the Child Care Task Force.

In 1964 she married David Olson in Madison, Wisconsin and later divorced. She became engaged to George Pritchard who died August 10,1975.  She married Joel Gainer September 2, 1979; and he died March 25, 2009.

In 1986 she became the West Central Field Representative for AFSCME Council 24, WSEU and served there for nearly 20 years before retiring. She was active in the Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and was secretary of the Retired Enlisted Association (TREA).

She was a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism since 1972, where she adopted the persona of Lady Cybele of Rowangrove. She was active in Science Fiction Fandom for many years and practiced Family Tradition Wicca.

Carol GainerShe is survived by two sons: Scott (Jennifer) Olson and their daughters, Claudia McIntosh and Claire Olson of Waunakee, and Christopher (Linda) Olson of Madison; an uncle, Charles (Ruby) Wiggins; an aunt, Nadia Wiggins; many cousins, and three special friends, Robin Arnhold (Beket), Karyn Schmidt, and Bridget Kielus-Fecyk.  She was preceded in death by her parents, her fiancé, and her husband.

Memorials are to be sent to Circle Sanctuary, P.O. Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507.
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again!
Ride well Khanate in Pale Horse.  

Memorial Ceremony & Burial

Family, Friends, and Circle Sanctuary Community members remembered Carol (Cybele) and celebrated her life at her Memorial Ceremony on Saturday, May 12, 2018 at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve near Barneveld, Wisconsin.  

The Memorial Ceremony was facilitated by Rev. Selena Fox & Dr. Dennis Carpenter, and included remembrances, cremains burial, and gravestone dedication.

Memorial Remembrances

Name Selena Fox
Location OakHaven near Barneveld, Wisconsin
Relationship to Carol longtime friend, minister
Date 2017-11-28 16:20:08
I give thanks for your wisdom, storytelling, music, humor, magic, and spirit! I cherish the memories of our good times together in a variety of settings -- at your home, at Circle Sanctuary land, at Pagan Spirit Gathering, at SCA events, at Science Fiction conventions, & beyond. I celebrate your courage, perseverance, & dedication to service. May your writings, songs, & sacred ways of being with Nature continue to inspire! Blessings to you as you journey in the realm of our Ancestors! Blessed Be!
Name Mari Powers
Location Cambridge WI
Relationship to Carol friend, student, admirer
Date 2017-11-28 16:57:15
Learned much about weather working and hedge witchery from her. Loved her sense of humor. Major fan of her Pagan filk songs. I feel blessed to have had her in my life for so many years. Grateful to have talked with her two days before her death. Remembering her version of the summerland where her 'old brown horse' awaited her. Too many stories to tell, yet I hope to help in preserving and sharing some of her songs. Merry met Cybele and may we merry meet again.
Name Amy Shea
Location Ettrick, WI
Relationship to Carol Friend
Date 2017-11-28 17:34:40
Carol or Lady Cybele as I knew her, was known and loved by so many. I didn't have the chance to know her as well as I would have liked, but I did know her. To me she was a glorious force of nature. I loved and respected her in equal measure. I also was very aware of her strength and was just a little intimidated by her immense presence. She was welcoming, generous, and kind. We shared of love of horses, and it was my joy that she shared with me that she was a member of Circle and a witch. I am so very happy to have known her.
Name Bridget Kielas-Fecyk
Location Shawano, Wisconsin
Relationship to Carol Close friend, sister in all but birth
Date 2017-11-29 11:28:31
Carol and I were very close friends. In every way, we were sisters except by birth. For 20 years we've laughed together, cried together, had arguments and had good times. We've gone to SCA events together and she even brought me to circle sanctuary. Carol officiated at my wedding because I could think of no one else I would rather have. She was my best friend. She was witty, intelligent, fiery and fierce. The best part of her, though, was that gentle heart. She is a name that shall be whispered at each ceremony, for she was a blessing to anyone who had the pleasure to know her. Rest well, beloved sister. We miss you sorely and love you very much.
Name Robin Beket Arnhold
Location Chippewa Falls, WI
Relationship to Carol Long-time friend and co-conspirator, distant cousin
Date 2017-11-30 20:59:53
I met Lady Cybele in the fall of 1964 at Lorenzo s when it was where Vilas Hall is now. It was a Friday or Saturday night and the place was jam-packed, the noise levels very high. I don t think we could hear each other over the cacophony, but we saw each other around campus and got to know each other. I am going to concentrate my remiscences on some things you might not know about Cybele. She was a rabid Green Bay Packers fan and part-owner of the franchise. One of my prized possessions is a share of Packers stock she gave me. Her son says they believe Cybele passed away during the game Sunday night. Keep a seat open for me in Vince s House!! Lady Cybele was also a crack shot and had a concealed carry permit. She was usually armed. She was a skilled horsewoman and pursued riding up until five years ago. She displayed Copper s tack in her home in Holmen. Lady Cybele was an activist who worked tirelessly for the rights of the ordinary person. Even though she could barely walk, she volunteered hundreds of hours for the Democrats in LaCrosse during the 2016 elections. One thing I will never forget is Lady Cybele s parties. Her Samhain parties were well-known and well-attended. Indeed, I first met Selena at one of Lady Cybele s Halloween parties over on Alpine Drive. After we had known each other for a number of years, Lady Cybele and I discovered that we were distantly related.
Name Dale-Harriet Rogovich
Location Madison, WI
Relationship to Carol Long-time friend, but early on
Date 2018-05-11 10:58:51
Carol and I were friends and comrades beginning early in the 1970s; as the mothers of young sons we shared many a diaper and snack. I worked at the occult bookshop on State Street (clerk and tarot reader) and we shared ideologies and ideas. I've not seen her for years, but relish my memories of our younger days with our babies. I feel her absence on this plane and will be pleased to see her again one day.
Name Todric
Location Kent, Ohio
Relationship to Carol Dark Horde
Date 2018-05-11 20:17:36
Goodbye, Dear Lady. Blessings on your next journey; Thank You for your kindnesses.

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