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In Memoriam: Joel D. "Wolfhawk" Gainer (1948-2009)

Saturday, May 30, 2009
Afternoon: 2 - 5 pm
Circle Cemetery
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
Barneveld, Wisconsin

Join family & friends in remembering and celebrating the life of Joel Gainer, also known as David the Thirsty (SCA) & Wolfhawk.

All are welcome to take part in this Green Funeral/Memorial Service and Ceremony of Remembrance conducted by Selena Fox, senior minister of Circle Sanctuary. The ceremony will include the natural burial and scattering of some of Joel's ashes and the dedication of his US Department of Veterans Affairs-issued Pentacle gravestone.

Joel was born in Chicago, Illinois on December 26, 1948 and he died in LaCrosse, Wisconsin on March 25, 2009. In 1977, Joel met Lady Cybele (Carol Olson). They were handfasted in 1978 and married in 1979. In their life together, they were active in the Society for Creative Anachronism and its Dark Horde, in Science Fiction Fandom, and in Circle Sanctuary, including its Pagan Spirit Gathering. From 1967-1969, Joel served on active duty in the US Army and later in life was part of several veterans organizations. He was among the founding members of the Order of the Pentacle, a national Pagan veterans organization sponsored by Circle Sanctuary. Joel was preceded in death by his son David Gainer, his father Walter Gainer, and his mother Ruth Webber Gainer.

Joel was a steadfast man, true to his ideals, loyal and protective of his loved ones, with a love of nature and a sparkle in his eye. The guy could fix just about anything, and had a tool for just about any job, as well. He went by the moniker "Captain Gizmo" at Science Fiction conventions, and relished the opportunity to demonstrate- at length- his latest gadgets. He was irascible, quick witted, fun, and to those that really got to know him, beloved. He will be missed.

Donations in Joel's memory can be made to Circle Cemetery/Circle Sanctuary and are tax deductible

Memorial Tributes

Name Rev. Selena Fox
Location Circle Sanctuary, Barneveld, Wisconsin
Date 2009-03-25 12:44:36
Wolfhawk/Joel/DT -- Thank you for your friendship and support over the years. I am glad that we were able to say farewell to each other on Monday. I will cherish memories of the good times we shared at Circle Sanctuary festivals as well as SCA and SF events. So Long & Blessed Be!
Name Prisilka ("Pete")
Location Shorewood, WI
Date 2009-03-25 14:27:31
I knew Joel through the SCA as David the Thirsty. My late husband Solomon and I were in the Great Dark Horde with him and his wife Cybele. As they moved up north and Solomon became more ill, we had less contact unless Cybele came to a Boars Head or othr SCA event. He was the proverbial "darn nice guy" and it's a shame he is gone. My sympathies as a fellow widow go out to Cybele.
Name Stephanie Fox
Location Minneapolis, MN
Date 2009-03-25 14:30:38
I am so sorry to hear of Wolfhawk's passing. I remember sitting around evening bonfire's with him, discussing weighty topics or, more often, less than weighty topics. My thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.
Name Michael Elisabeth Wilding
Location Louisville, KY
Date 2009-03-25 14:31:09
Imagine the beauty of it - That moment when the soul of a loved one returns to the stars, the voices each whispering "I remember you" I don't know who wrote these words, but they've always spoken to me when someone I've loved has passed on to the next leg of their Great Adventure. My thoughts are with you, and a candle is lit that Wolfhawk may easily find his way. May your love and your memories grant you peace. Blessings to you ...

Name Lee Allen (Earth Shadow)
Location Chicago, IL
Date 2009-03-25 14:54:55
Just wanted to pay my deepest respect and send my condolences after hearing the news of Wolfhawk's passing. Lee
Name David Cummings
Location Jacksonville, FL USA
Date 2009-03-25 15:05:28
Please accept my condolences on Joel's passing. He walks with the Gods.
Name Dewy
Location Loganville
Date 2009-03-25 15:24:06
I never had the honor of knowing Joel but I wanted to send my heartful thoughts to his friends and family. (((((((((((HUGZ)))))))))))
Name Nan Actipes
Location Chicago Area IL.
Date 2009-03-25 16:00:51
So sorry for your loss. Just wanted to send condolences to the family and friends of Wolfhawk. Am lighting a candle for him.
Name Ealasaid Drumheller
Location Bunker Hill, WV US
Date 2009-03-25 16:14:01
May your memory be forever blessed. Lie at peace on the winds.
Name Rev. Aieowyn
Location Baltimore MD USA
Date 2009-03-25 16:37:09
Please accept my condolences on your loss. May the Goddess be with you through this difficult time. With permission I will send healing energy to all of you to help you through the grieving process. Many Blessings, Rev. Aieowyn
Name Raven Wildfire HazelSage
Location Avenel, NJ USA
Date 2009-03-25 17:14:04
Many Blessings to Lady Cybele & everyone that Wolfhawk has touched in his wonderful Journey here. May you find peace within and feel him always in your heart! May prayers to all for healing... Blessed Be~!RWHS
Name Patrick Mccollum
Location Moraga, CA. USA
Date 2009-03-25 17:17:48
Wolfhawk, May brightness greet your spirit and may the Lady support and care for you and those you whom you love. Lady Cybele, You have my condolences and support through this difficult time. If you need some one to talk to, give me a call, anytime. Patrick McCollum Wiccan Chaplain (925) 631-0945
Name Debby
Location Germantown, MD
Date 2009-03-25 17:17:56
Blessings to Joel for a safe journey to the next world, and much love a blessings to those who are left to mourn his passing. He will not be far away.
Name Hazel
Location Lexington SC
Date 2009-03-25 18:11:49
My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends at this difficult time. Goddess bless you with fond memories. Always remember that Love transcends the veil. Hazel
Name FreeOak
Location NJ
Date 2009-03-25 18:17:29
With your permission, sending prayers and energies to Wolfhawk's family and friends as you heal from your loss. Love, hugs, and support, Judy (FreeOak)
Name Amy Woolard
Location Chicago, IL USA
Date 2009-03-25 18:22:16
Of the names he was known by, I believe that Wolfhawk was his favorite. He was a wonderful,caring friend. I had the privilege of being his friend for over 40 years. When he met and married Lady Cybele, I felt that he would have a happy and fulfilling life. And this has turned out to be very true. I have so many stories I could share, however,I would rather say that I will miss you greatly, Joel, and may Cybele and your family be truly blessed by having you in their lives for the years you were on the Planet. May your spirit fly free. Your friend, Amy
Name Rev Debbie Lippitt
Location Collingdale, PA USA
Date 2009-03-25 18:28:24
All of us at the Temple of Gaia offer our deepest sympathy to WolfHawk's friends and family. We are purely saddened by his passing. Stay strong Lady Cybele, you are not alone. May his journey be safe to the Goddesses arms. Sincerely, Rev Debbie Lippitt Temple of Gaia Incorporated
Name Sue (Shava)
Location Madison, wi
Date 2009-03-25 18:48:23
Safe passage, old friend. Cyb--let us know if you ever need anything.
Name Felix
Location Malaysia
Date 2009-03-25 20:02:51
I never had the honor of knowing Joel but I wanted to send my condolence to his friends and family.
Name Toxic Jules
Location Blackstone, MA USA
Date 2009-03-25 20:27:11
I never met Wolfhawk, but am a member of the Healing Circle. Just wanted to send love and light to Lady Cybele and their family and that I'm sorry for your loss. Blessed Be Wolfhawk!
Name Beket
Location Madison, Wisconsin
Date 2009-03-25 20:37:33
I first got to know Wolfhawk back in 1980 when I was one of the passengers in the travelling Mongol Hilton when we went to Pan Pagan. Since then, there are many memories. I'll never forget the Battle of the Lytherian Woods and how Wolfhawk and Cybele came 'loaded for bear'. It was with great sadness that I learned over a year ago that he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As Wolfhawk said, it was real bummer; of all the cancers to have, it had to be that. When the clock stopped while I was talking on the phone with Cybele more than a year ago now, I knew then what the sad outcome would be. I will miss Wolfhawk and his gift of gab, but I am relieved that his suffering is finally ended. I am sorry that my work commitments made it impossible to be there with Cybele this week, but Cybele, if you need anything or just want to talk, give me a call! Merry meet, merry part, and merry meet again.
Name Bruce&Roxane Gonseth
Location Hog Valley, Florida
Date 2009-03-25 21:39:04
We send our condolences. We are frequent pagans to PSG and we, as pagan ministers and very much into the pagan/wiccan community feel a lost ourselves when we lose a fellow family member of the comminuity. We wish you and the family all blessing of love and light. Blessed Be and Peace Bruce&Roxane Gonseth
Name Michael Jensen (Haakon Redbeard)
Location Chicago, IL
Date 2009-03-25 22:46:02
Just before the new moon, the time for new beginnings and new cycles--Hey, D.T. ahead of the curve as usual. Joel was my friend in the old SCA days, he came into my ken through my now ex, Jocelyn, and will always be remembered in connection with my wooing and early marriage. He came to the first Thanksgiving dinner I ever cooked, was at my wedding, knew my children as babies. Always a decent man, always real, helpful, honest, but always ready to party, always ready with at least as bad a pun as I had (Do you have a 1L+1L?) So go now, brother, though I'll feel you tonight as I salute the moon, join the glad circle elsewhere, I hope you can save me a space, I won't be long in the scheme of things. My condolences to his lady and his sister. Save me a hit, brother.
Name Selene
Location Mechanicsville, VA
Date 2009-03-25 23:16:26
My most heartfelt condolences to the family. Although I did not know your loved one, my thoughts are with you during your time of grief. My hope is that you experience peace knowing that your loved one will be with you always in spirit. Brightest Blessings! Selene
Name Sue Moser
Location Chicago, IL
Date 2009-03-26 04:56:33
I too did not have the pleasure of meeting Wolfhawk or his lovely bride but only stopped by to offer my condolences for your loss. He is off in Summerland doing great things there as well. Joel is one of the good guys! Blessings.
Name Thomas Joy
Location Alexandria, VA
Date 2009-03-26 05:14:16
Now Joel walks the paths of our ancestors and his memory will be with us for the remainder of our lives.
Name ToniAyniaNightFish
Location Harrisburg, PA
Date 2009-03-26 07:19:49
Sending greetings between the realms to Wolfhawk. Thank you for all that you have done and are to the Community. I pray for your Spirit peace and Light and Love of the Goddess and the God and Spirit. 'An it harm none, Blessed Be. Sending prayers to Wolfhawk's Family. I send prayers of Spirit of the Goddess and the God and Spirit to you all for healing, for Light, for Love and for whatever else you might need or want in these transition times, 'An it harm none, Blessed Be. ToniAynia NightFish Djhrck....
Name Jim and Ana Blechschmidt
Location Sycamore, Illinois
Date 2009-03-26 10:03:13
Wolfhawk, may you stand in the Great Circle in perfect love and perfect trust, welcomed into the fellowship of the honored warriors. Lady Cybele, may you be wrapped in the love and respect of all who hold you in their hearts at this time of transition. The Circle is never broken. Blessed be.
Name Daear Llais
Location San Luis Opispo
Date 2009-03-26 10:39:41
Now you are truely united with the universe and the divine spirit of creation. Ave natura. Take comfort. Now Wolfhalk lives in another dimension. Reborn.
Name Butterfly
Location Columbia, MO USA
Date 2009-03-26 12:10:40
May his family left behind have the strength they need to celebrate his life and continue on their path. My condolences on this great loss to not only his family, but to the pagan community at large. Blessed Be.
Name gail vye
Location rockford il
Date 2009-03-26 12:40:40
Blessings on your journey Joel, Rose
Name Julie
Location Springfield, TN, USA
Date 2009-03-26 13:17:44
Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. I hope his passing was easy and that he was comfortable in his last days. I am sending comforting energies your way.
Name Two-Eagle
Location Turtle Island
Date 2009-03-26 13:52:09
Chanku Wakan wowashteh oganaye / Walk the Spirit Road in a good way.
Name Marie Aversa
Location Atlanta , Ga, United States
Date 2009-03-26 14:53:49
My prayers are with you and your family in this time of grief. He is in Summerland now and the Goddess will take care of him.
Name Kathleen Rouleau
Date 2009-03-27 05:03:08
May you find comfort and solace in the hope and faith of tomorrow.
Name Alice of Kent
Location Brookfield, WI
Date 2009-03-26 17:43:42
I didn't know DT well - just liked him. I know Cybele better, care about her and send out warm feelings towards her as a fellow widow. May you endure through this and come out strong. Alice
Name Lee Rankin(Raven)
Location Daly City, CA USA
Date 2009-03-27 05:25:06
I would like to express my sorrow for your loss. May the Goddess be with you and your family during this time. Brightest Blessings.
Name debbie
Location ohio
Date 2009-03-27 10:07:40
May he have a safe and fast journey. Blessed Be.
Name Anthony Sadlon
Location Ripon, WI
Date 2009-03-27 11:25:04
Wolfhawk, i hope your passage is safe. You are an inspiration to everyone. You have lived a full life. My deepest condolences to Lady Cybele. You and Wolfhawk were and still are in my thoughts. blessed be anthony
Name Sir Blackwolf
Location Churchville VA
Date 2009-03-28 07:18:37
The House of Blackwolf extends our Sincerest Condolences, may Sir Wolfhawk find the Peace and Reward he so richly deserves within the Halls of the Summerlands. We offer our prayers unto his Family and Friends. We are at your service, Sir Blackwolf & Dame Dagrny
Name Michael Peterson
Location Loves Park, IL, USA
Date 2009-03-28 14:10:11
I remember Joel, David the Thirsty from my early days in the SCA. I thought him a good, generous person, strong in his convictions. My thoughts and blessings to his family.
Name Mari Powers
Location Cambridge, WI, US
Date 2009-03-28 14:11:26
To Wolfhawk's family, I send you heart felt love energy to do with what you will. Should you need any assistance in the coming weeks, call on me. I live fairly close to where you are and could help. Cybele, you have always been one of my heroines, for your stories of Spring and of Samhain, for your wonderful songs, and your reclaiming of songs. And also,for your communion with the weather and your willingness to teach and share. If I can give any of that energy back, I will. Sending simple Reiki healing to you and your family now. Mari
Name Pedro & June Gonzalez
Location Myerstown, Pa., USA
Date 2009-03-28 16:08:01
Unto Lady Cybele we offer our shoulder at this time for strength and comfort. For her mate Wolfhawk has gone to join with the Ancestors, and become a part of the legends told by Bards. Knowing the horrific limits Wolfhawk was facing, I know the ancestors thought it best that his time had come. Be well and know that while he is parted from us - he is always a part of us. Lord Pedro de Castilla (aka "Pedro") Lady Mairghreicc Ruadh inghen ui Faolain (aka "June")
Name Alana Morgana
Location Rio de Janeiro- Brasil
Date 2009-03-29 17:57:54
Minhas condolencias! Que a Grande Deusa e o Deus o recebam em seu seio. Blessed be! Alana Morgana
Name Rev. Scott "tjukka" Kirklland
Location Chicago, IL USA
Date 2009-03-29 22:57:36
TO me, he was David the Thirsty, brother vet, sword brother. We had many adventures, many parties. Joel(Known to me as DT) was a very good friend... and I loved him... as we used to say, "Keep choppin', DT!" Tjukka
Name June Whalen Gonzalez & Pedro Gonzalez, Jr.
Location Myerstown, Pennsylvania USA
Date 2009-03-30 13:53:39
Although I am unsure if we were ever formally introduced, we walked the same paths. Candles have been lit - for the supportnof those left behind, and to light the way on Joels' journey. He has fought the valient fight He has become part of the legends and tales of the Bards His story will endure and be an inspiraton. We will all raise a cup of cheer when we next meet again(wherever that may be and in whatever Rhelm that may be!
Name Jocelyn Jensen-Worthington
Location Market Haroborough, Leicestershire, England
Date 2009-03-31 15:06:00
My ex, Michael Jensen has said already most of the things I would have in remmbrance of our time with and experiences of WolfHawk. My children called him "uncle Joel", and my eldest daughter as an infant couldn't get enough of playing with his beard, as it differed so much from her dad's. Mundane events became special when he showed up. And what I'd like to say in lieu of The Parting Glass is... Teach 'em up there in the Summerland how to truly party, Bro! Blessed Be, and Gods and Goddesses Speed!
Name Rowan ViviAnna
Location Huntsville, AL
Date 2009-04-02 14:03:38
The Journey is long, but the path is wide. We will all met on your return trip. Safe passage Blessing upon Joel's family and friends.
Name Nicholas Sea
Location Western Kentucky
Date 2009-04-03 06:34:02
Sweet journey to you Wolfhawk, and kind regards to your friends and family...
Name Falcon River
Location Hollandale WI
Date 2009-04-03 11:14:50
Sending deep peace to Wolfhawk, Cybele, and their family. An elder has passed, may the living honor his memory with a deepening commitment to honoring, preserving and protecting our world. Personally, I will remember Wolfhawk for his welcoming kindness when I wandered mistakenly into the Horde camp at Poor Man, many years ago. lady Cybele, I send you love and strength, If I can be of any help, please call. 608-220-6176
Name Daniel Moeller
Location Nekoosa Wisconsin
Date 2009-04-12 13:11:10
Goodbye Wolfhawk See you on the the other side or the next time around. Oakbear
Name Katie Buller Kintner
Location Winneconne WI
Date 2009-05-27 13:49:26
Joel's passing comes as a sad shock. I was part of a little folk group that Lady Cybele also participated in years ago. I remember Joel as being kind and very funny. My sincerest wishes for the well-being of his family.
Name Joseph Merlin Nichter
Location Visalia, CA
Date 2009-05-27 17:32:50
Thank you for you service, thank you for your commitment. Thank you for your contribution. Thank you for making a difference. Thank you for leaving this world a little better than you found it. Thank you. Consaluto Exonero. WHAT IS REMEMBERED LIVES.
Name Darren Krumwiede
Location San Angelo, TX US
Date 2009-05-27 21:24:00
For every veteran, service is its own reward. I thank you for your the country, the community, and the gods. May your journey around the circle be filled with happiness and a speedy return!
Name John Robertson
Location RIchardson,Tx USA
Date 2009-05-28 12:01:40
Although I never met Joel personally, it was his work that inspired me to join the Order of the Pentacle. I had heard a great deal of good things about Joel and his work with Circle Sanctuary. Live well brother on Fiddlers Green. John Robertson
Name Ly. Seonag Sorensdatter
Location Tomah, WI
Date 2009-05-28 12:44:47
My heart goes out to you, Cybele. P

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