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In Memoriam: John Davey (1953-2016)

AxisJohn Davey, also known as Axis, died on Tuesday, July 6, 2016 at his home, Silver Moon Farm in Wisconsin. He is survived by his beloved wife Starfire, their sons Sky & Neil, their daughter Rose, & their grandson & other relatives.  Born on December 4, 1953, he lived much of his life on his farm in rural Wisconsin near Kendall.

Axis and Starfire were part of the Circle Sanctuary Community for many years and assisted with the development of Circle and its Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve.  They were among those who took part in rituals that began the creation of the Stone Circle at Yule 1983 and its dedication as Planetary Healing site the following year.  Parts of dedication rite, including an invocation by Axis, are featured in the award-winning Australian documentary film, The Occult Experience as well as Axis' chant, "More Light, More Love, More Freedom, More Joy."   Axis was a Pagan priest, teacher, writer, ceremonial magician & ritualist.  We remember, honor, & celebrate him, his life, his works, & his bright spirit!

"Nothing retains its form; new shapes from old.
Nature, the great inventor, ceaselessly

Contrives. In all creation, be assured,
There is no death -- no death, but only change
And innovation; what we men call birth
is but a different new beginning; death
Is but to cease to be the same."
One of Axis' favorite quotes -- from Ovid's Metamorphoses

Obituary & Tribute by Starfire:

John Davey ~ Axis : As Bold As Love

AxisAxis ~  Beloved by the Goddess and Sacred Mysterious, So Beloved by this woman Starfire, Heart of my Heart, Enduring Love of My Life, Central Core Axis of My Being, Marriage of Great Love, of Magick and Medicine, High Priest of the Temple of the S.S.F., of the S.O.L., Powerful Magickian, Shaman, Incredible Healer, Dreamer and Heyoka died Tuesday July 6th, 2016 peacefully at home surrounded within Love by the Mystery, Starfire and their 3 children, Sky, Neil and Rose at his side.  Axis was 62.

Axis was given, and brought forth the Sign of Light, and the words that went with this Sacred Sigillum and its Way:

"More Light! More Love! More Freedom! More Joy!"

Axis was an Excellent Priest/Guide in Magickal Ceremonies and Rites, and those of us fortunate enough to have been involved in any of his Great Works, Magickal Rites and Ceremonies, Corn Paintings/Sigils, Wheels, Healings, etc.,  will always remember the Sacred Power and Sacred Beauty of these experiences. It carried, and touched Awe . Axis took great care and responsibility, protecting all participating, his circles were very clean. He taught us the Mysteries, took us within them, revealed the essence beyond form. He was a Great Teacher. A Rare Extraordinary Beautiful Unique Being who really was as one friend said, "the pivot of the wheel ever turning about his wise and loving center".

Axis healed many people, and continued to do his healing work for Our Holy Mother Earth, and continued to Believe in the Sacred Dreaming of this beauty and mystery that is of this Earth and Land, of right relationship within that Sacred Dreaming within life, within Self (EverBeComing), of a Better Day to Come.

Many of the old Pagans, Witches, Magickians, Shamans and Healers will remember him from various festivals, gathering, New Moon Healings, magickal ceremonies, get togethers of all kinds.

We were around in the beginning days of Circle.

We were the very first Elves of Lothlorien -- who recognized a couple of Dreamers and Said "We Believe In Your Dream!"   Many of the counter culture people went Back to the Land, and Axis and I always Believed (Be-Lived) that the Brightest and Best among us out of the psychedelic  counter culture got Turned On to the Goddess, to Magick, to the Sacred Dreaming of this Holy Mother Earth, Ways of the inherent organic of Spirit and Flesh, of the Sacred. This is why there was a great wave of 'Goddess/Nature Spirituality, of Magick Awakened' at this time.  Many then carried 'original genus' of the magickal dreams that were to become.

We were, and we are Sacred Dreamers.  Axis believed it was to the degree one was 'Awakened' within it, whether it be 'nightmare of reality' (not awake), or the Sacred Dream made Manifest (Awake). Many of us have seen the 'Dreaming' become Manifested in our lives and in ourself/ Self.  Many Dreams of the Magickal Light came into Being at this time.

Sacred Mysterious gave Axis the Gifts. Axis carried the Power Of the Light.

A light so needed in these times of darkness! He taught that We All Are Sacred and Magickal Beings of Light.

A very handsome man, sweet and funny. He had a great sense of humor.  He was Powerful.  Beautiful.

He was a Great Friend!

Born John E. Davey , Axis will be greatly missed by many, the profound loss felt, but especially by this woman Starfire, their children and grandson.

I will Re Member Axis, Always I will Remember and Know Him, Love Him Endlessly Through All The Realms, Through All the Worlds and In between the Worlds Forever and Ever and Ever.

Maybe I will find him again as I did this time.

We are considering combining and publishing all his works in book form, so that they may live.

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