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In Memoriam: Mike Gleason (1951-2012)

Mike GleasonMike Gleason was a beloved Pagan Elder, Pagan music & book reviews writer, & Alexandrian Wiccan High Priest. He was born Michael Gleason on March 14, 1951 and died on August 30, 2012 at his home in Beverly, Massachusetts. Mike is survived by his wife Cindy (Cynthia), his daughter Sheri Lynn, and his son Ed (Edward).

Mike was born in Luddington, Michigan and was raised in an Irish Roman Catholic family. During his high school years, he began studying Paganism. He began with Pagan Way studies and then embraced the Alexandrian Wiccan tradition, which included personal communications with the tradition founder, Alex Sanders. Mike was initiated into the tradition in 1974 and in 1977 became a High Priest.

Mike was among the Wiccan leaders who supported the emergence of multi-tradition Pagan festivals in the USA and was active in the Pagan Spirit Gathering during its formative years in the 1980s. Active in Pagan rights endeavors, including public education, Mike assisted with several Lady Liberty League endeavors as well as was head of the Massachusetts chapter of WARD (Witches Against Religious Discrimination), and was part of the Witches Education Bureau & Witches Education League and other organizations.

Mike was known for his publications work. He served as the co-editor and publisher of THINK! Magazine (1996-1999). He contributed to Circle Sanctuary periodicals, including CIRCLE Magazine (formerly known as Circle Network News), and the Pagan Spirit Journal. During the last part of his life, his reviews of Pagan and Esoteric books and recordings were published on-line in a variety of places.

Memorials are being planned, including the interment of his ashes in Circle Cemetery at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve in Wisconsin.

May those of us who mourn Mike's passing take comfort in the memories of our good times with him and in knowing that his legacy within Paganism continues on in his writings and the many lives he enriched.

Blessed Be!
Selena Fox

Memorial Tributes

Name Rev. Selena Fox
Location Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve, Wisconsin
Date 2012-09-05 06:30:14
Mike - Many thanks for friendship, for your many years of service to the Craft & Paganism, for your good words & good works! Some of the wonderful memories of our times together that I cherish include my facilitating life passages rites for you & your family -- performing your & Cindy's handfasting at the Pagan Spirit Gathering and performing Sheri Lynn's Wiccaning when she was only 5 days old! Blessings to you in your journeying in the Otherworld. Comfort & healing to Cindy, Ed, & Sheri Lynn -- and to all of us who mourn your passing. Blessed Be!
Name Adrianne Brennan
Location West Medford, MA
Date 2012-09-05 10:14:43
Mike will forever be remembered by me as a wonderful person who did so much for the pagan community and helped so many. He was a huge supporter of my writing, for which I will always be grateful. He will be deeply missed. Thank you, Mike. For everything.
Name Ella Cowin
Location Yulee, Florida
Date 2012-09-05 10:22:00
Mike and I never met in person. We belonged to a few Yahoo! Groups together. It was he that encouraged me to accept the calling of my heart. Through his reviews of pagan and non-pagan literature and music, it was easier to find the wheat amongst the chaff. To Mike's family, my deepest condolences. He will be missed by many more people whose lives he touched that he never even met, or knew the positive influence he had on us. Thank you, Mike, for answering the call to service. May you find peace and renewal in the arms of the Goddess.
Name dru
Location charleston, ms
Date 2012-09-05 14:10:14
bless u, my brother, on u'r voyage home...... dru
Name Hecate's Cabanaboy
Date 2012-09-05 18:14:25
Travel well, Mike. I'll miss your wisdom and your reviews. Slainte! Ian
Name Adeomus
Location Quebec, Canada
Date 2012-09-05 19:52:16
You were always so pleasant and giving, a true pleasure to know, and a shining example of what I hope people think of when they think of Pagans. You will always be a part of us, and of our groups. See you next time ! Much love, adds
Name Sherrie Mountain Hawk Lady
Location Arizona
Date 2012-09-06 17:46:35
I liked Mike and his reviews a lot. He will be sorely missed. Hope someone will keep up his table at the Salem event, and help the kids make magic wands. I know that was dear to his heart.
Name Dragon Ritual Drummers
Location Niagara Falls Canada
Date 2012-09-07 07:48:27
The dragon Ritual drummers extend our deepest sympathies to Mike Gleason's family and friends. We met Mike one year at the Salem Witches Ball where we perform annually, he was a big fan of our music and magik. We corresponded for the following six years, and he published incredible reviews of our CDs that were of course read by folks across the globe. Those many reviews really helped us a lot, and we would not be where we are today with out his insightful critiquing of our sound and intent. A great sense of humor and a larger than life personality, we will miss him as many others will. Much love to his family and and all our heartfelt brightest blessings to you in this time.
Name WhiteHawk Potter
Location United States
Date 2012-09-09 00:50:07
May you rest in peace.I know Summerland has opened it's wide gates for you to enjoy.Please do not worry so about us.We will be fine since we know you are watching over each one of us as we also take our journeys thru life.See you one day my friend.

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