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In Memoriam: Oren Jasper Knight Mudrick (2012)

Oren Jasper Knight Mudrick was still born on Thursday, April 19, 2012 in Madison, Wisconsin. He was the infant son of Tanya Mudrick and her partner Lavender Knight and was part of the family that also includes Lavender's son Derek Knight. Although gone, Oren is remembered and will be Always Loved.

Memorial Service & Green Burial of Oren Jasper Knight Mudrick

son of Tanya Mudrick & Lavender Knight
brother of Derek Knight

Monday, April 23, 2012
9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Circle Cemetery
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve

Indoor Memorial Service began at 10 am
followed by Procession & Green Burial in the Green Cemetery

Memorial Tributes

Name Rev. Selena Fox
Location Circle Sanctuary
Date 2012-04-21 09:32:06
Oren, in life and in death, you deepened connections among your loved ones. We mourn your death. We cherish Love that never dies. Blessed Be.
Name Sue Beck
Location Raymond, WI
Date 2012-04-21 14:34:56
Sweet, beautiful Oren, You brought more joy to those who loved you than most do in a lifetime, and are loved an impossible amount. I wish I had met you. Tanya, Lavender and Derek, words can not express my grief for you, your family and the world in the loss of such a special little person. The world is better for his being in it, albeit quickly and quietly. My love, thoughts and tears are with you now and always. All my love, Sue
Name Regan Quick-Severin
Location Roskilde, Denmark
Date 2012-04-21 15:02:23
Lavender, I'm so sad to hear of this. Take care of yourself and Derek and Tanya. Thinking of you. Regan (from Troy Gardens)
Name Bonnie Lansing-Seaman
Location Peoria, Illinois
Date 2012-04-22 07:42:47
All I can think to send is love love love and more love. I miss you Tanya and love you so much. Lavender and Derek I haven't had much of a chance to get to know you but am holding you close in my heart. If you need anything from your Peoria clan please do not hesitate to ask.
Name Marnie Richardson
Location Perth, Western Australia
Date 2012-04-22 08:02:07
Little Oren, you were loved when you were just a thought that quickened their hearts, you were loved the moment your spark ignited, you were loved in your watery cocoon and you will be loved every day for three lifetimes. No words can bring peace to the heart of a grieving mother. It feels like such a small gesture. But I wrote this and thought I would share it with you. Go to the ocean, go to the mountains, go to that cave that has appeared in your heart and nestle down under your heavy blankets of loss. Your friends and family will stand vigil at the door waiting for your return, singing in the day. And when the sun does shine the first beginnings of light to your heart again, little by little you will peel off blankets, take flight and shine again. And again we will wish you well and smile. You will always have Oren with you, he will always be your son and you his mothers. Deep peace to you and your family. We wish we could be there but we know you're in safe hands. All our love Marnie, Pete and Annick
Name Grandma Suze (Lav's Mom)
Location Waupaca WI
Date 2012-04-22 12:36:01
Oren, We will miss your innocent gaze, your milky breath, the scent of your baby neck after a bath, the feel of your tiny fingers and toes, the taste of your wet kisses, your laughter and your voice. We will miss you as you might have grown to be a boy and then a man, to be a full person in our world, to be a brother for Derek to teach. We will never stop missing you and the short time you were here. Thank you for spending nearly nine months to allow Tanya to become the mother she has wished to be. Thank you for bringing so much joy with the anticipation of becoming Derek's brother forever.Thank you for being. Now you have traveled on to a new journey. We wish that your spirit will find new joys and new family and new love. We miss you and know, that we will love you forever. Your family
Name Kim Neuschel
Date 2012-04-22 13:13:09
Tanya, Lavender and Derek, I just want you to know that I am thinking about you all. My heart goes out to you and I hope tomorrow's service surrounds you with love and support and brings you peace and healing. Kim
Name Lightsong
Location Omaha, NE
Date 2012-04-22 13:25:51
Oren, I met you only briefly during dinner with you Mom and several friends a few weeks ago. You were loved the, you are loved now, you will be loved forever. Lightsong
Name Mariah Miller
Location Orcas island, wa / Madison
Date 2012-04-22 14:38:28
Lavender, Derek, and Tanya, holding you all in my heart and prayers. May healing, grace and love fill your hearts. Much love, Mariah
Name Kathryn Boryc
Location Baltimore
Date 2012-04-22 19:28:11
Tanya, Lavender, and Derek - words cannot express our sorrow for your family and the loss of your beloved Oren. We wish you peace, healing and love. We will all be there in spirit at the memorial service tomorrow and hope you can feel us wrapping our arms around you. Oren - We are so sorry that we did not get to meet you and play with your little fingers and toes and to see you grow. You were and will always be carried by an immense amount of love. May your spirit be free and bring comfort to your loved ones. Sending all our love, Katie, Kirk & Noah
Name Krista
Location River Falls, WI
Date 2012-04-22 20:05:45
Sweet Oren Jasper. I love your name. You are Always Loved. Loved by so many, who had yet to meet you on this side of the living. You are, and will forever be a mystery to all of us. Our hearts are all stretching and bending and contorting to love you as you are, a mystery. A perfect, painful mystery. You are so loved, already, by so many. We love your family - and you. You belong to your family. And they belong to you. Your family has a wide circle of friends who are holding them in their hearts, their prayers, their thoughts - every breath of their lives - right now.
Name Mark Gallagher and Joyce Pickle
Location Minneapolis
Date 2012-04-22 20:50:37
To Tanya, Lavender and Derek - we are so sorry for your loss. We will be thinking of you tomorrow and wish we could be there in body and in spirit. Our thoughts are with you, we send so much love during this sad time.
Name Renee Rice & Jackie Ennenbach
Location Madison WI
Date 2012-04-23 06:08:58
Dear Tanya, Lavender, and Derek ~ the loss of a sweet Oren is the loss of hope and dreams of what might have been, the loss of a piece of your being. The worst part is each day you wake up and realize he still is gone.... all the things you gathered for him that seem to be everywhere (because they are) need to be dealt with somehow. It can seem so wrong that the world keeps spinning, people keep living their lives, the sun rises again... you who have given so much to so many, allow your loving community to cradle you now... as it feels right to do so. Moment by moment. Much love to you all.
Name Jenni, Jack, Emmet, Oscar & Jasper
Location Winona, MN
Date 2012-04-23 06:43:48
Dear Tanya, Lavender and Derek, We love you and are thinking of you today. We are with you in spirit and are so sorry for your loss.
Name Molly Dolezalek
Location Meriter/Madison
Date 2012-04-23 08:45:26
Tanya and Lanendar, I have been thinking of you both so much this past week. I heard from Sara that you had a perfect, beautiful boy. I am so very sorry for your loss. As painful of an event as your birthing experience was, it was beautiful to see two people who love each other so much. You have a wonderful support network of friends as well. Sending lots of love your way. Molly (Meriter RN)
Name Sara Smith
Location Meriter Hospital
Date 2012-04-23 08:50:42
To Tanya, Lavender & Derek, My deepest regrets that I won't be able to make it to Oren's memorial today. Please know that you are in my heart and in my thoughts. I know today will be so hard for you all, and I sincerely hope that the joy and love Oren brought to your lives the past 38 weeks will give you the strength to get you through this. I'll be thinking of you, and I'll be in touch. Much love, Sara (your nurse)
Name Judy Skog
Location Madison
Date 2012-04-23 10:37:43
Tanya, Lavender and Derek I am deeply saddened by your loss. I know how much you were looking forward to sharing your lives with Oren, and I mourn your loss. I am sending healing energy and prayers to you all. Judy
Name Elisabeth Emter
Location Madison
Date 2012-04-23 21:11:14
In Memory of Oren Jasper Knight Mudrick, the brother of my dear German student Derek Die Augen auf dich gerichtet, wuchs unsere Liebe von Tag zu Tag von Woche zu Woche von Monat zu Monat, bis sie groß genug war, um dich ganz damit zu bedecken und für immer zu wärmen. Doch als du kommst, reissen nur wir unsere Augen auf, und nur unser Weinen ist zu hören. Was Anfang sein sollte, ist eine Ende. Oder haben wir deine Sehnsucht erfüllt? War unsere Liebe groß genug für dich, um weiterzureisen zu einem neuen Beginn? (Eyes on you our love grew day by day week by week month by month until it was big enough to wrap you fully and to warm you forever. But you arrive and only our eyes tear open and only our cries are to be heard. What was meant to be a beginning turned into an ending. Or did we satisfy your seeking? Was our love big enough for you to allow you to move on to a new beginning?) With love for Derek and his family, Elisabeth Emter
Name Forrest Espinoza
Location Madison
Date 2012-04-24 16:58:21
Hi Tanya, Lavender and Derek, I'm so very sorry to hear that your son Oren had to leave this world so soon. I wish all of you peace and love as you go through these sad days. I will be thinking of all of you. Forrest
Name Ingrid Andersson
Location Madison, WI
Date 2012-04-24 20:30:32
Dearest Tanya, Lavender, Derek and Oren, all my love flows out of my broken heart to all of yours. You teach me that hearts are biggest when broken, and anything becomes possible. Thank you for the infinite gifts you give our world. Thank you to your deep and wise families and community that can teach a grieving world how to move forward together. Ingrid
Name Jeanne Bazille
Location North St.Paul,MN
Date 2012-04-24 20:42:03
Dear Tanya, no words my midwife friend I am just going to send you and your family a hug. Take care
Name Gail Tully
Location Bloomington, MN
Date 2012-04-25 04:50:10
Dear Tanya, Lavender, & Derek. My love goes out to you and joins with the love of the hundreds wrapping you in tender comfort. Beautiful Oren will ever be missed. With love, Gail
Name Beth Bergeron
Location Fargo
Date 2012-04-25 05:53:46
Dear Tanya and Lavendar, My heart goes out to you and your family. Thinking of you and sending hugs. Beth
Name Donna Reicks
Location Cresco Iowa
Date 2012-04-25 05:59:30
Tanya, Lavender & Derek, I am so very very sorry for your loss. My heart is heavy & I have no words. I will keep you in my prayers asking our Heavenly Father to bring you peace. With Love & Many Hugs, Donna
Name Debbie Sahlstrom
Location Milaca, MN
Date 2012-04-25 06:35:15
I am so sorry for you loss.
Name Karen Garley
Location Stillwater, MN
Date 2012-04-25 09:11:51
Dear Tanya, Lavender and Derek, My heart goes out to you. Please know that you are surrounded by love. Precious little Oren Jasper - a light, a love forever.
Name Jennifer Hall
Location Savage, MN
Date 2012-04-25 10:24:53
Dear Tanya and Lavender, I don't know you personally, and found out through the yahoo group of midwives that you are mourning the loss of your precious son. I wanted to write because I just walked through this difficult journey with a client of mine in March when she lost her son at 38 1/2 weeks for an unknown cause as well. It has been a very difficult time for them but they have drawn closer together as a family instead of further apart as can sometimes happen. I hope you have the support and care of many people around you during this time, but that most of all you will be able to journey through this together as a family and learn that it was not in any way your fault Tanya. As a midwife, I am sure you know that in your head, but it can be so hard not to let the thoughts sneak in. Take the time to grieve and allow others to care for you during this time. If you are interested in getting away as a family to process together and love on each other with the support of other families who have been through similar difficult situations, go to: I am praying for you and your family. Sincerely, Jenny Hall 952-358-0010 (call if you would like)
Name Chris Roberts
Location Dalton,WI
Date 2012-04-25 16:16:51
I just found out about your precious baby boy.This is a time of great saddness for all of you. I pray God's comfort on your family, and His strength and presence be with you. In times like these we learn we are not alone, but somehow carried each day by angels, and the ones we love most. Love & Prayers, Chris
Name Emme Corbeil
Location Minneapolis, Minnesota
Date 2012-04-26 06:06:12
Oh Dear Tanya, Lavender and Dereck, I was so so saddened to learn of the passing of your son Oren. To have carried him and loved him in anticipation of his birth and time on earth.....words are not enough. Please know Tanya that many of us here in Minnesota are holding you in your grief. Grief is neither a problem to be solved or a difficulty to overcome, it is a sacred expression of love, a sacred sorrow. Blessings, Emme Corbeil
Name Linda & Charlie Pickle
Location Bowling Green, KY
Date 2012-04-26 06:54:31
We are so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that you are in our thoughts and heart.
Name Lisa Varnes-Epstein
Location Gays Mills
Date 2012-04-26 07:57:17
...therefore, in love and without fear, we commend to thee our brother. Take him, guide him, admit him to the peace of summerland which stands between life and life; and know that our love goes with him. The moon and the year travel and pass away: also the day, also the wind, also the flesh passes away to the place of its quietness. A Native American quote on crossing over. Love to you and yours as you travel this road - Lisa
Name Denise Doerr
Location Viroqua
Date 2012-04-26 09:53:54
Dear Tanya, My heart breaks for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I was so very sorry to hear about your baby. We have been out of touch for many years, but I have very fond memories of working with you and I know you are a wonderful midwife and mother. Please take care of yourself and your needs in this time of grief. With Love, Denise Doerr
Name Gretchen Spicer
Location Avoca, WI
Date 2012-04-26 12:12:40
Dear Tanya, I am so sorry that Oren was with you so briefly. I am sure that your arms are so empty right now. I will be holding you in my heart. Gretchen Spicer
Name Christy Feiker
Location Milwaukee
Date 2012-04-26 13:10:03
I am so sorry for this huge loss. I know this baby was so LOVED. My heart aches for you. Love, Christy Feiker, CPM, LM
Name Glen Chism
Location Belleville, WI
Date 2012-04-29 20:38:41
Dark-eyed Junco tracks. Three lines in dust, story- wild Hearts rarely die 'lone.
Name Barbara Lafferty
Location Madison WI
Date 2012-05-01 10:31:47
Dear Tanya and Lavender and Derek, I am so incredibly sorry to hear about Oren's passing. I can't begin to think what to say. Each one of you is in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers. Please accept my sincere condolences, Love, Barbara
Name Tami Groth
Location Dubuque, IA
Date 2012-05-10 14:08:09
You all have continued to be in my thoughts and prayers since Tanya first left me that voice mail. My heart still breaks at your loss. I am sure Oren is beautiful and look forward to hearing more about him some day. Love and belief, Tami

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