60 page thesis, softcover, spiral bound. Complete report on the Pagans in Recovery Experiences Project (PIREP), a research study conducted by Selena in 1994 and 1995 as part of her Master's in Counseling work at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Thesis introduction includes a discussion of Alcoholics Anonymous and religion, contemporary Paganism, Pagan-oriented recovery groups, research on Paganism and healing, and origins of the PIREP. Method section examines background exploration processes, questionnaire development, participants demographics, data analysis, and issues. Findings section discusses responses to AA as a recovery treatment option for Pagans, problems with AA, and Pagan adaptations of AA. Discussion section examines implications for Pagans in Recovery, for counselors and other professionals, and for AA, and discusses possible directions for future research. Following the conclusion are references and appendixes. 52 pages, 1995 Circle Publications