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Vending at Circle Events

Thank you for your interest in vending at events held on Circle Sanctuary land! Please read the information below carefully, and feel free to contact the Circle Office if you have any questions.

Which Circle Events allow vending?

Vending can be accommodated at the Beltane and Green Spirit festivals, and occasionally at Samhain as well. Vending may be permitted at other Circle events but it is not common.  Please contact the Circle Sanctuary office with requests to vend at other Circle events.

How much does it cost to vend?

Each vendor and all helpers must register for the festival as if they were regular festival attendees. Please see our Vendor Guidelines for our vending options and fees. We do require tithing at the end of the festival of 10% of your gross sales. You are responsible for all applicable taxes.

What does a vendor space include?

Your festival registration includes all meals, programming and tent/RV camping space. The vending space includes a patch of ground outdoors on the Green for you to set up your wares. Electricity and phone service are not available, nor are shelters available for lending or rental. We're flexible on the amount of space you can have, up to a certain point: most vendors bring a 10'x10' or 10'x20' shelter.  See our Vendor Guidelines.  There is no parking at your vendor space.

What sort of shelter should I bring?

We recommend genuine EZ-Up or Caravan brand shelters, with all four sides accessible in case of rain. People also do well with "carport" style 10x20 shelters (e.g. King Shelter from Sam's Club). If the week prior to the festival has been relatively dry, the ground will be pretty flat and level. If the Green is too soggy, vendor space will be up higher but will tend to be less level.

When can I set up and what are the hours of operation?

The gate will be open for vendor arrivals on the opening Friday of the festival - check with the Circle Office for the exact time. All vendors (and other attendees) must depart by the stated time in the schedule on the closing Sunday. In between, hours of operation are really up to you. Most vending starts mid-morning and winds down by early evening.

Are there any restrictions on what I can vend?

  • There is absolutely no sale or bartering of food products, alcoholic beverages or beverages of any other kind, tobacco, tobacco products, and paraphernalia for tobacco use, firearms, other incendiary devices, and any other item prohibited by local, state, or federal laws, even if that merchant has a valid Wisconsin permit for distributing or selling said products.
  • There is absolutely no sale or bartering of tattoo, piercing, or other body modification services.
  • Any massage or other hands-on healing modality may only be performed by persons licensed in Wisconsin, and with proof of current insurance. Non-contact energy working modalities (e.g. Reiki) are permitted.

What sort of setup help/services are there?

Please see our Vendor Guidelines regarding the services that Circle Sanctuary has available.

Sounds great! What are my next steps?

  • Go ahead and register yourself and any helpers, and just make a note in the Other Comments field that you're interested in vending.
  • Email the Circle Office with a general list of items you mean to sell, if you haven't already.
  • Contact the Circle Office at any time before the festival with additional questions.
  • When you arrive at the festival, check in at the gate & mention that you're a vendor - - the merchant coordinator will be paged to show you where to set up.

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Phone: (608) 924-2216

Mailing Address:
Circle Sanctuary
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507

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