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green spirit

August 2 - 4, 2024
at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
near Barneveld WI

Lughnasadh Magic!

The wheel has turned and brought us to the season of the First Harvest.  A time when the summer ends and fall begins, a time we reflect on what we have sown by what we reap.  Join us as we gather to celebrate our harvests with games, workshops, and celebrations!

Coordinated by Sharon

 Sacred Oak Magic - a virtual workshop via zoom with Selena Fox

Lore, symbology, and divinities associated with Oak trees of various types across time and cultures.  Developing and deepening Green Spirit relationships with individual Oak Trees and with Oak Forests.  Incorporating personal and group Sacred Oak rituals and meditations as part of spiritual practice.  Ritual uses of Oak leaves, acorns, and wood.  This workshop is a hybrid workshop – online as well as in person. 




Singer/songwriter and wanderlust, Mama Gina shares rhythmic, soulful and spiritual music for every heart. 

Award winning singer/songwriter & wanderlust ... fearless story-telling ... bluesy vocals ... humor ... straight-ahead, rhythmic, 12 string acoustic guitar ... djembe ... frame drums ... all weft and warp of the soul of this bard.

Mama Gina was the 2023 winner of the female Artist of the Year for the International Pagan Music Association! 

Light snacks will be served. Bring your own beverages.

General Information

Registration is closed for this event.  See you at Welcome Fall or Sacred Fire Circle!

Registration closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 31st.   There are no at gate registrations!

Tier II Pricing July 8th - July 31st

  • Adult - Full Event $135
  • Adult - Saturday Only $85
  • Adult - Saturday + Sunday $110
  • Adult - Friday + Saturday $110
  • Youth Registration (0-5) Free
  • Youth 5-17 for Full Event $60
  • Youth 5-17 for Saturday Only - $40
  • Youth 5-17 for Friday + Saturday $50
  • Youth 5-17 for Saturday + Sunday $50
  • Mama Gina Concert only - $25

REGISTRATION is closed for this event.  
  • Non-member $20
  • Member $15
  • Registration closes at 11:59pm on Wednesday, July 31st.

VENDORS:  Outdoor vending space is available.  Please review the FAQ and the Guidelines and contact the Circle office with any questions.  Circle Sanctuary - Vending at Circle Events  and Circle Sanctuary - 3-Day Event Vending Guidelines

If you have any questions about Green Spirit, please email us.

green spirit

August 2 - 4, 2024
at Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve
near Barneveld WI


Friday August 2, 2024

3pm Gate opens for VENDOR arrivals

5pm Gate opens for GENERAL arrivals.  Please note no evening meal will be served.

7pm Festival Welcome & Blessing with Reverend Selena Fox & Reverend Sharon

Meet and greet Festival staff and bless the Festival. 

7pm Vending and Raffle/Silent Auction Tents open on the Green!

Arrivals for those attending the evening concert only.

8-10pm Mama Gina in Concert!

Singer/songwriter and wanderlust, Mama Gina shares rhythmic, soulful and spiritual music for every heart.  Mama Gina was the 

winner of the female Artist of the Year for the International Pagan Music Association!  Light snacks will be served.  Bring your

own beverages.

10pm Community Fire

Join the fun around the fire for conversation, Bardic Circle, and drumming! Bring an instrument and join in!

12am Gate closes

Saturday August 3, 2024

8-9am Continental breakfast served in the Summer Kitchen.

9am Newcomers Meet & Greet at the picnic tables with Reverend Minerva

Come meet new friends and learn about Circle Sanctuary!  Ask questions!  Everyone is welcome!

9am Vending and Raffle/Silent Auction open on the Green

10am Mindful Nature Walk with Dennis Carpenter

Join Dennis in front of the main entrance to the barn for a leisurely meditative walk through the Sanctuary and up to the 

Stone Circle.  Focus will be upon deepening our sense of connection with the beauty and wonder of Nature at Circe Sanctuary

at Lughnasadh time.  Be prepared for walking in any weather conditions, including sturdy walking shoes and drinking water.

10am Crafting in the Temple Room with Nate & Reverend Jake

Come craft your own bread bead necklace and/or bracelet!  We will roll and craft the pieces during this workshop time. 

You can come back after they dry for a few hours to string them!

10am Family Programming - Identifying Plants! with McKenzie & Rev. Florence

We'll get to know plants better by starting an experiment to see how they move nutrients through themselves, and we'll take

a walk to identify edible and dangerous plants on the land.  We'll use the edible plants to make lemonade for a lunch-time

Lemonade Stand!

11:30am Lunch served behind the farmhouse.

Youth Lemonade Stand - fresh lemonade for sale!  All proceeds go toward the road project!

1pm Sacred Oak Magic with Reverend Selena Fox

Lore, symbology, and divinities associated with Oak trees of various types across time and cultures.  Developing and

deepening Green Spirit relationships with individual Oak Trees and with Oak Forests.  Incorporating personal and group Sacred

Oak rituals and meditations as part of spiritual practice.  Ritual uses of Oak leaves, acorns, and wood.  This workshop is a

hybrid workshop - online as well as in person.

1pm Family Programming - Water Fun!  with McKenzie and Rev. Florence

We'll cool down with water activities .... what sinks?  What floats?  How does this reflect different ways we can work with our

magic?   We'll also play with rain drums, check out the results of our morning experiment, and depending on weather either 

set up a sprinkler or play with face paints!

2:30pm The Games! with Tori & Adam

What's more fun than a little bit of friendly competition within the community with athletics, sporting contests, and pure silliness!

There will be games and activities for all ages and abilities.  Come compete or cheer on your community members!  Sure to be a 

fun time full of surprises!

4:30pm Raffle/Silent Auction ends on the Green

You must be present to win or have a proxy there to claim your winnings!

5:30pm Dinner served behind the farmhouse

8pm Green Spirit Lughnasadh Ritual with Reverend Selena Fox & others

Celebrate the Green world and the start of harvest with drumming, chants, and bonfire in this Community ritual. 

Bring some crackers, bread, or other grain offerings to give to the land and some dried herbs as an offering for the

fire.  Bring a rhythm instrument (drum, rattle, shaker, tambourine) to play if you have one.

After ritual Drumming, Dancing, Firespinning at the Bonfire

Self-guided Labyrinth by Kristol

The spiral labyrinth is an ancient universal symbol of transformation, and creates a sacred space where time slows and

the potential for inner growth and spiritual development manifest.  As you follow the path to the center, you are drawn

deeper into yourself, toward your own center.  When you reach the center, you will find a cauldron with tarot cards inside.

Please take one.  As you trace the path back out, emerge with clarity, gratitude, and connection to your inner self.

11pm Gate closes

Sunday August 4, 2024

8am-9am Continental Breakfast in the Summer Kitchen

9-10am Sunday Morning Hike to Spirit Rock with Dennis Carpenter

We will explore the farther reaches of Circle Sanctuary, including Spirit Rock.  Be prepared for a steep hill and moderate

walking at times.  Be sure to wear sturdy shoes and bring drinking water.

10:30am Circle of Gratitude with Reverend Sharon & Others

Join us to share memories of the weekend and of reborn hope as the wheel turns.

11:30am Left-over palooza served behind the farmhouse

1pm Final Departures

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Phone: (608) 924-2216

Mailing Address:
Circle Sanctuary
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507

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