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Circle Sanctuary at the 2018 Parliament of the World's Religions

Circle's Parliament DelegationNovember 1 - 7, 2018
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The Parliament of the World’s Religions is the world’s oldest, largest, most diverse and inclusive global interfaith conference, bringing together over 10,000 people from 80 nations and more than 200 spiritual traditions and paths.  Today’s international interfaith movement has its origins in the first Parliament of the World’s Religions, held in Chicago as part of the Columbia Exposition in 1893.  The Parliament re-emerged in Chicago one hundred years later and continues to play a key role in bringing together religious leaders, spiritual practitioners, authors, scholars, philosophers, government leaders, entertainers, and others to share ideas and collaborate for a healthier, more peaceful, loving, just, and sustainable world.  

Circle Sanctuary will be taking part in the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, November 1-7, 2018.  The 2018 Parliament’s Theme is: The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love:  Pursuing Global Understanding, Reconciliation & Change.

Circle Sanctuary has been among the religious organizations supporting the Parliament of the World’s Religions since its centennial re-emergence in 1993.  Circle Sanctuary ministers and community members have been among the presenters and participants at the past Parliament conferences held in Chicago, Illinois, USA (1993); Cape Town, South Africa (1999); Barcelona, Spain (2004); Sydney, Australia (2009); & Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (2015).

Follow Circle Sanctuary’s participation in the 2018 Parliament of the World’s Religion on Twitter and Facebook: #CirclePWR

Presentations & Participation by Circle Sanctuary Ministers & Community Members include: 

Samhain Night Labyrinth Ritual
Wednesday night, October 31

Several members of the Circle Sanctuary delegation to the Parliament of the World’s Religions will be joining in this international multi-tradition Pagan rite crafted & coordinated by Catherine Starr, Monica Bodirsky and the Broom Crew & other Canadian Pagans of WITCHfest North.  Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary will be among those assisting in the rite. 

This Samhain Night & Parliament Eve Pagan gathering begins at 5:30 pm with a Witches’ Walk from Wonderworks at 25 Baldwin Avenue, Toronto and concludes with a public Samhain ritual at the Trinity Labyrinth just off of Bay and Queen Street across from City Hall. 

More details:

2018 Parliament of the World’s Religions program activities

Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 222 Bremner Boulevard, Toronto

Wicca as a Global Religion: Entering the Next Generation
Friday, November 2 from 2:15-3 pm in Room 716A

Taking part in this multi-traditon Wiccan panel are Selena Fox, Senior Minister & High Priestess of Circle Sanctuary; Rev. Don Lewis, First Priest & Chancellor of the Correllian Nativist Tradition; & Belladonna Laveau, Arch Priestess of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church.  Focus: The panel will discuss the emergence of Wicca as a global religion.  The panel will examine the challenges posed to Wicca as a global religious movement by national and cultural differences, and by the changing needs and interests of newer generations.  The panel will examine ways in which these challenges can be met, and ways in which the religion has, and may yet need, to evolve in order to serve an expanding demographic and the needs of a younger generation, without losing its existing focus.  The panel will also present and discuss the findings of the Global Wicca Summit held in September 2018 under the aegis of Correllian Educational Ministries, which will address these topics.  Part of Interfaith Understanding programming track.

Croning Wisdom: Women’s Rites of Passage into Senior YearsSaturday, November 3 from 2:15-3 pm in Room 602A

In this interfaith workshop, Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary examines ways to create ceremonies and celebrations that honor and facilitate women’s aging processes into the older years of life, including croning rites, menopause transitions and seniorings. This workshop also included guided meditations, chants and other sacred work, as well as discussion.  Part of the Women’s Track: The Dignity of Women Across the World’s Wisdom Traditions

Ecopsychological and Ecospiritual Perspectives on the Human Relationship with Nature: Ways to Increase Climate Change Awareness
Saturday, November 3 from 6-7 pm in Room 201-D

Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve directors Dennis Carpenter & Selena Fox present this Climate Action workshop.  Focus: Global climate change is happening, human factors are responsible, and the potential dangers are dramatic.  These unfortunate realities have inspired the Climate action 2018 program in this year’s Parliament.  This workshop will explore global climate change from the perspective of how Ecopsychological and Ecospiritual worldview and transpersonal experience shape our ideas about the relationship between humans and the rest of the natural world.  It will consider how experiences in natural settings may enhance human wellbeing as well as human sensitivity to the intrinsic value of the environment and its preservation.  Consideration will be given to a variety of ways for enhancing our relationship to Nature, experiencing interconnectedness with Nature, and increasing our motivation to alter the course of human-caused climate change.  Nature-based spiritual practices will be emphasized, with some experiential work integrated into this workshop.  Part of Interfaith Understanding programming 

Priestesses: Reconvening, Remembering, & RejoicingSunday, November 4 from 12:15–1:45 pm in Room 718B

Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary will be speaking on this Panel along with Priestesses of other communities and diverse traditions, including Angela Buchanan, Inija Trinkuniene, Ajisebo Abimbola, Monica Bodirsky, Mara Lynn Keller, Deirdre Pulgram Arthen, & Catherine Starr.  Focus: The historic gathering of Priestesses at the 2015 Parliament will reconvene in 2018! This remarkable group of brave, wise, and groundbreaking spiritual leaders from various Pagan, Wiccan, and other Earth, Indigenous, and Goddess traditions will discuss their unique roles in building one of the fastest growing spiritual movements in America, Canada, and now across the globe.  They will explore the challenges and transformations within themselves, their communities, and the world, in response to the reemergence of their wisdom traditions, the Goddess, and Mother Earth.  Part of the Women’s Track: The Dignity of Women Across the World’s Wisdom Traditions

Circle for Planet EarthSunday, November 4 from 5-6 pm in Room 201E

This Nature Spirituality ceremony facilitated by Ministers and other Members of the Circle Sanctuary Community includes music, meditative reflection, chanting, and prayers for environmental healing, ecosystems renewal, and planetary wellness.  It is open to those of all faiths and philosophies who seek to honor and attune to dimensions of Nature in sacred ways. Pagan Faith Ritual Space programming track.

Bright Brigid Meditation
Monday, November 5, 8-9 am in Room 201E

Attune to the Divine Light and Sacred Powers of Celtic Pagan Goddess and Christian Saint Brigid through this meditative journey guided by Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary. Work with Brigid for personal, community, and planetary illumination, healing and well-being. Pagan Faith Ritual Space programming track.

Spirit Soaring: A Women’s Art Salon
Monday, November 5, 12:15-1:45pm in the Red Tent Room

In this Salon, facilitated by Earth Spirit Community member & artist Kate Greenough Richardson, women artists from a variety of places and spiritual paths will be displaying their work and talking about how their art connects with and expresses their spirituality.  Selena Fox of Circle Sanctuary will show her photograph, “Samhain Ritual Fire” and talk about spiritual dimensions of her photography.  Salon Focus: The arts can be seen as a manifestation of the spiritual practice of the artist.  There is shared space among various art forms that includes the discipline and inspiration of process, the urge for connection and the seeking of truths that underline or transcend mundane understanding.  This event will bring together women artists from many and diverse media who are present at the Parliament and offer an opportunity for conversation with each other about these experiences and connections, and a space for questions from other attending. Part of The Women’s Track: the Dignity of Women Across the World’s Wisdom Traditions

How to Lead Others in Social Justice Action
Monday, November 5, 2:15-3 pm in Room 705

Social Justice Activist and Circle Sanctuary Minister in Training Jake Bradley presents this workshop.  Focus: People of all faiths have been and can be involved in direct action for justice.  Whether you are moved and inspired to act for justice for the environment, religious liberty, indigenous rights, LGBTQ safety and equality, human rights for intersex people, women’s rights, racial justice, disability rights, prison abolition, anti-war and anti-violence, anti-colonialism, or any other issue, you and your community can make a difference!  This presentation will cover an array of direct action tactics and strategies, and their respective pros and cons for specific justice goals as well as how to ensure group discipline, cohesion, non-violence, etc. Part of Justice: Advancing concrete Change Toward a Just, Peaceful, and Sustainable World programming track.

Bardic Night: An Evening of Pagan Storytelling and Music
Tuesday, November 6, Noon-2 pm on the Festival Stage

With an ensemble cast of singers, musicians, and storytellers drawn from the audience, Canadian Bardic facilitators Brian Walsh and JD Hobbes Hickey, known as Brian and Hobbes, will recreate an indoor version of a Bardic Night, a fun and lively event that often serves as one of the foundational fireside activities at the many Pagan festivals held throughout the Summer in Canada and beyond.  Selena Fox will share a story and will join other members of the Circle Sanctuary Community in chant and song.  Part of Interfaith Understanding programming track.

Gender Spectrum Competence: Best Practices for Welcoming Transgender, Intersex and Gender Non-Conforming People
Tuesday, November 6, 12:15pm – 1:45 pm in Room 705

Circle Sanctuary Minister in Training Jake Bradley & Community Member Nate Metrick present this workshop.  Focus: This training will explore established best practices for creating a safe and respectful congregational/community environment for transgender, intersex, and gender non-conforming people, including providing competent pastoral care and support and advocating with institutions (hospitals, prisons, schools, etc.) on behalf of LGBTQI people.  We will briefly cover some basic concepts about gender diversity but the training will focus primarily on practical applications and on building skills to convey affirmation of all genders of people, including respectful pronoun and language use.  Part of Justice: Advancing Concrete Change Toward a Just, Peaceful, and Sustainable World programming track.

Pagan Space Booth
Noon – 8 pm daily in Faith Spaces Area

Some Circle Sanctuary Community members will be among the volunteers staffing the Pagan Space Booth.

More about the Parliament of the World’s Religions

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