Circle Sanctuary at the 2021 Parliament of the World's ReligionsOctober 16-18, 2021 The Parliament of the World’s Religions is one of the oldest and largest international interfaith gatherings on Planet Earth. The first Parliament was held in Chicago, Illinois, USA in 1893, and it ushered in a new era of interfaith communication and understanding. In 1993, the Parliament rebirthed in Chicago. Since that time, Parliament convenings have been held every few years: 1999 in Capetown, South Africa; 2004 in Barcelona, Spain; 2009 in Melbourne, Australia; 2015 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA; 2018 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Circle Sanctuary has been part of the Parliament of the World’s Religions since its centennial rebirth in 1993. Circle Sanctuary ministers, members, and associates have been among the speakers, exhibitors, and networkers. In 2021, the Parliament of the World’s Religions will be held for the first time as an online event. It will take place October 16-18 and will include plenaries, ceremonies, panels, workshops, and exhibits. Those who register will also be able to view recordings of many of the sessions for several weeks after the Parliament convenes. Circle Sanctuary will have an information booth in the exhibit area, and some Circle Sanctuary ministers and other community members will be speaking: Dia de Muertos: Origin and Traditions of the Day of the Dead Festivals of the Dead: Dia de Muertos and Samhain Circle for Planet Earth A 21st-Century Morality: The Rise of Ecocentrism, Climate Feminism, and a Global Alliance of the Rights of Nature Contemporary Pagan Elder Leadership in the Return of the Goddess Pagans and Heathens: Where on Earth are We? An International Perspective Global Voices: Women Podcasting The Healing of the World Community Reflections2021 Parliament of World's Religions Podcast, Circle Talk, CSNP In the NewsClimate Crisis at forefront of agenda for Parliament of the World's Religions, Religion News Service, October 19, 2021 Four Pagans talk their experiences at Parliament of World's Religions 2021, The Wild Hunt, November 16, 2021 |