Strengthening Body and Mind Throughout the Lifespan (PLI) Rev. Dennis D. Carpenter, Ph.D.
We will explore ways to strengthen mind and body to support our own development and to be better able to help others and the rest of the natural world around us. We will discuss some of the basics of empirical-based approaches for improving physical and mental health and fitness, and how our needs may change as we grow older. We will also consider ways that this personal work can enhance our ability to help others and our environment.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competency XIII.
PTSD/Moral Injury Recovery and Support (PLI) Teresa Barry (MTP)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Moral Injury are possible outcomes from traumatic experiences that are common among military members but also occur too often in civilian settings. In this workshop, learn about what they are, signs & symptoms to watch for and how to help the healing process. This information and techniques are evidence-based, non-clinical and can complement other forms of care.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies I and VI.
Information Literacy for 21st Century Pagans (PLI) Benjamin Beuttenmueller (MTP)
The "Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals" defines Information Literacy as "the ability to think critically and make balanced judgements about any information we find and use. It empowers us as citizens to develop informed views and to engage fully with society." If there's anything we need to do in order to make progress as individuals as well as in our communities, it's carefully considering the accuracy of information we consume so we can gain accurate and useful understandings of the world around us. This workshop presents an overview of the key concepts needed to discern the truthfulness of sources of information, especially in digital contexts where it has become more difficult to distinguish reality from wishful thinking, or propaganda that tells us what we want to hear. This workshop provides participants with conceptual tools and real world examples showing how to consider sources of information to make responsible decisions.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies X and XII.
How to Support LGBTQQI+ People in Your Community (PLI) Rev. Jake Bradley
This is a rough time in our national and local communities for queer folks and those with LGBTQI+ experience. This practical workshop covers ways to support people when and where they can’t get competent medical, mental health, and or crisis care, and where their liberties and safety are at risk. Lots of practical resources will be shared.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies IV, VI, and IX.
Theology Roundtable (PLI) Rev. Jake Bradley
Faith leaders often get called on to answer questions or impart messages about some of life’s biggest questions, and it’s also our job to help people make meaning of their own lives and experiences, and integrate their values and life philosophy into their everyday decisions and activities. We often don’t talk a lot about these theological or philosophical concepts, though. This roundtable discussion will explore some ideas held by philosophers, theologians and/or people of faith about some of the big questions: Who or what is/are ‘god’? “What happens when we die?” “Where did we come from before we were born?” “How do I know I’m being a ‘good’ person?” “Why is there suffering and pain in the world?” “Why did ____ happen to me?” Come ready to listen and share!
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies III, V, VI, VII, VIII, X, and XIII.
Expanding PSG and the Circle Community through Cyber Ministry (PLI) Steve Curtin (MTP)
For 50 years the homeland of the Circle community has been Circle land. With the adoption of Zoom as a viable medium during COVID, a whole additional group of people were able to participate and be part of the Circle community. This session explores possibilities and invites ideas for how the people who are able to physically participate in PSG can continue community the rest of the year and can connect with those who are financially or physically unable to attend PSG physically throughout the year.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competency XI.
Meditation into the Earth; Divine alignment with the Mother (PLI) Amy Dove (MTP)
Come along, fairy child into the wild woods on a guided meditation journey into the heart of the mother woodland who is hosting us this week. Meet the mycelia, the flora and the fauna of the area in journey. Find what messages of connection, welcome or errand they may have for us and let's create a mandala from natural forest floor beauty to leave in thanks for those new charges.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies V and VIII.
Social Justice as Non-Politic Human Concern Roundtable Discussion (PLI) Amy Dove (MTP)
Let’s talk candidly about the fear we are encountering out there. Bring it all and we will listen and love one another through it. How can we stand as a community in the face of sanctioned, broad reaching discrimination. How do we keep politics and hate out of our speech in order to rise above yet still remain vigilant. How do we protect those in our community who are the most vulnerable?
This is a place of sharing whether you are one who needs protection or one who wants to know how best to serve.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies V, VI, VII, and IX.
Meditation and Trance in Ritual (PLI) Rev. Eldritch
This session provides a foundation for prayer, meditation and trance techniques in personal and group ritual. Learning the range and uses of these techniques will help ritualists build and maintain a ""group mind"" for deeper ritual effect journeying through the Spiritual realms at levels appropriate for a given purpose. Participants will gain skills in creating supportive experiences when constructing ceremonies.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies II and XIII.
Stirring the Cauldron: Practical Ritual Magick for these Times (PLI) Rev. River Higginbotham
Community – Resistance – Justice – Collective Action. Explore these themes in Ritual. How do we summon, conjure and stir what is relevant and current? How do we tap into the heart of Community and what it needs? How do we stay in our magick amidst tumultuous times? In this workshop – some Theory and some Ritual.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies II and IX.
What does it mean to call the Sun as a person by name? (PLI) Rev. Chiron
We call to the celestial and earthly forces and objects by name as if they were persons who could hear our call and in some manner respond. How can we claim to be rational beings and address the Sun and Moon as persons? Are we just being metaphorical or is a stronger claim possible? Modern Pagans have to grapple with these questions too. I will lay out my case for a philosophically respectable animism and panpsychism, inviting a dialog to follow.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies V, VI, and VIII.
How to Honor the Sacred Forest in a Concrete Jungle (PLI) Rebecca Malke (MTP)
"How can you bring the calm of Mother Nature to your home in the city?" Becky Malke grew up near our PSG site on a small farm surrounded by 150 acres of woods. After moving to the city, she missed her nature-centered life and longed to return home but also loved living in the city. Becky will share practical tips to bring the essence of Nature into your urban living space, helping you create a sanctuary of peace amidst the concrete jungle.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies II and VIII.
The Importance of Addressing Trauma (Spiritual/Religious/Emotional) (PLI) Temper (MTP)
This class will cover the basics of shadow work and the importance of noticing and addressing various forms of trauma in ourselves and in others. Significant discussion points will focus on issues that may arise for both leaders and seeks when traumas are not addressed, and the barriers they create in our practice. Class will include some scenario-based discussions, and small group work on addressing trauma.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competency VI.
Paganism in the Military (PLI) Temper (MTP)
This class will cover a brief history of Paganism in the military covering significant figures, challenges, and successes. It will also provide a detailed explanation of what a DRGL is, how to become one, the role they play in the modern support of military Pagans, and the vital importance of this form of volunteer service. Class will close with the requirements and barriers to formal chaplaincy in the military.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competency III.
Relationship Contracts- intentionality for Life Passage Rituals (PLI) Wynne Rath (MTP)
Relationship contracts are a powerful tool to help community members prepare for life passage rituals, and for what comes after. Creating a contract is an opportunity to consider needs and responsibilities. Modern society has a very romantic idea of love, and people often expect loved ones to know what they want when they don't even really know. Relationship contracts are an opportunity to define needs, desires, and goals, important things that are often left nebulous or unsaid.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies IV, VI, and XII.
The 3 Rs of Self-Care (PLI) Christopher Spurling (MTP)
“Self-care"" is much more than passive relaxation, in reality, we need to actively develop tools and skills to help us recover from life's stressors - and our spirituality can be extremely helpful! Learn about the 3 Rs of Self-Care, which are practices that make you feel 1) Rejuvenated, 2) Refreshed, and 3) Ready for the next challenge. Pagan and Nature-based practices for each of these areas will be provided along with a discussion period for co-creating spiritual resilience.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competencies XII and XIII.
From Doing Meditation to Teaching Meditation - Best Practices (PLI) Christopher Spurling (MTP)
Meditation is a core practice for many Pagan practitioners. Learning how to build mindfulness skills for personal and spiritual development helps us in many ways. Teaching/leading meditation to others, however, involves a different skill set. This session will explore that difference and provide a set of skills for success when you are the one helping others to meditate and be more mindful. Considerations for general meditations as well as Pagan-inspired meditations will be discussed.
This PLI will be recorded for the Circle Sanctuary Ministry archive. We will be making a space available behind the camera for anyone who is not comfortable with being video recorded.
This workshop addresses Circle Ministry Competency VI.