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Circle Green

Circle Green logoEcoEducation * EcoRestoration * EcoActivism * EcoSpirituality

Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve: Conservation & Ecological Restoration

Circle Cemetery: Green Cemetery, Green Burials

Interested in environmental preservation and climate action? Join our monthly GreenFaith Circle, facilitated by Circle Sanctuary Minister Char Bear.  We meet monthly via Zoom on the fourth Saturdays at 11am eastern, 10am central, 9am mountain, 8am pacific. 

Contact Char:
to get the Zoom link and learn more about GreenFaith Circle and our other environmental endeavors.

Blue Marble: EcoPodcasting - new podcast debuts every third Friday 

Green Faith Circle on Youtube:
October 2023: special guest, Rev. Amy Brooks-Paradise, organizer with GreenFaith USA
November 2023: Rev. Chip Brown sharing his journey with the BrownKawa Farmstead land project
December 2023: Discussion of and videos from recent COP28 conference
January 2024: Special guest Nan Foster, Unitarian Universalist, catalyzing a climate action ministry
February 2024: Jess LeClair, Ph.D. shares her insights about environmental justice nursing,
planetary health and how her green faith informs her work.
April 2024: Our featured speaker is Circle Sanctuary's Pamela “Kelly” McAfee, member of CSNP team and past Worship Leader for US Air Force members and their families. She is leading a group discussion about the intersection between environmental justice and disability justice.

Guide to Going Green at Home


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Call or Email us:
Phone: (608) 924-2216

Mailing Address:
Circle Sanctuary
PO Box 9
Barneveld, WI 53507

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